Volume Gains. 545x10 4 sets Beltless Squats
This will make me strong this will make me strong this will make me strong this will make me strong
Week 10, Day 2 - Shoulders & Triceps (w/Strict Log Press Video)
Post workout: A light beer taste test?
Week 10, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
I was sore in my chest and biceps from this session. Chest soreness is fairly common for me, biceps soreness is very rare.
Wk10 Day3 S4 Compound Max Effort Squat / Deadlift
What do you do when Dave Tate sits in on your training session and coaches your crew, SFW thats what!
So much thanks to be given, so much more information to learn! Live, Learn, Pass On!
1 Week Post Meet
I still haven't touched a barbell., still haven't stepped foot in a gym. I still have a lot of back pain doing simple things, like getting out of bed, or bending over to pick something up. Updates to come, and an X-Ray, soon.
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip PR, and More Back (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 4 - 8.26.16