Week 4 Day 2 - Off Season Training - Lower body....
Week 4 Day 2 - Off Season Training - Lower body....
Almost time to put that bar on my back again....
Primary Back & Biceps
Primary Back & Biceps
Back home from my 19 year anniversary celebration with my bride and hitting the iron at Kirkland Gold's Gym.
Week 2 of Training - Getting Out of the Slump
Week 2 of Training - Getting Out of the Slump
When you find yourself in a slump, figure out how to get out of it. Don't succumb to mediocrity.
Sunday August 7, 2016
Sunday August 7, 2016
Benching to a 1 board...kinda
Wednesday August 3, 2016
Wednesday August 3, 2016
Metal M Short briefs
Leg Pump Wednesday
Leg Pump Wednesday
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 1, Mini Session 2 - 8.24.16
Our alarm clocks have four legs and an urgent need to play right now.
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
Right now my grip is taking priority over everything because I can't seem to hold onto a damn deadlift, lol
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, Volume Work (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, Volume Work (w/VIDEO)
WPC World's Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 3 - 8.23.16
Max Upper World's Prep 10 Weeks Out!
Max Upper World's Prep 10 Weeks Out!
My bench is growing, my lats are growing and my triceps are growing.
Food for Thought: Life isn't perfect, so why are you designing training that way?
Food for Thought: Life isn't perfect, so why are you designing trai...
If you find yourself saying the same thing over and over again about your training.. It might be time to make a change.
Vacation Training in My Own Personal Hell - Block 6, Wave 2 - DL
Vacation Training in My Own Personal Hell - Block 6, Wave 2 - DL
Just let me pick things up and put them down
Upper assistance. Video
Upper assistance. Video
Picking up the volume.
Extra Upper Body Work
Extra Upper Body Work
WPC World's Meet Prep; Week 1, Mini Session 1 - 8.22.16
Squat: 375x11 (rep PR) Video / Building a Strong Base with Volume & Work Capacity
Squat: 375x11 (rep PR) Video / Building a Strong Base with Volume & ...
Definitely took me a few minutes to catch my breath after this one.
A second in the past.
A second in the past.
Looking back to remember.
Lower body fluff.
Lower body fluff.
Keeping the peace.

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