Olympia bound: Bench and lockout with some gimmicks
Been trying to keep at least 600 in my hands consistently in some form
Summer Heat Kettlebell Workshop ETS !
Another great night of doing what I love. Living, learning, passing on my Kettlebell knowledge and sharing my passion.
DE Upper: Deload - 10x10 Swiss Bar Bench Press
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 11, Day 4 - 8.18.16
Pooping the Bed 101: The Anti Writeup
Whoever said discretion is the better part of valor forgot to mention the shame and anger that accompany it
545x8 for 5 Sets On Beltless Squats Makes Joe a Dull Boy
Death by squats. Hypertrophy blocks pay off, but they hurt like hell.
Week 3 / Day 2 - Deadlift Opener w/ video clip
Week 3 - Deadlift opener for my upcoming meet w/ video clip.
What is next for me? My first attempt at vlogging and some light bench
Watch me ramble about what I want to do next and train light wide grip bench!