Suit squatting!
Suit squatting!
Feeling pretty string, but getting ready for a deload!
Olympia bound: Bench and lockout with some gimmicks
Olympia bound: Bench and lockout with some gimmicks
Been trying to keep at least 600 in my hands consistently in some form
Post meet "feels"
Post meet "feels"
Connection and chemistry.
Training Week 3
Training Week 3
8/16-8/19 - big PR, new movement, and a big pump
Summer Heat Kettlebell Workshop ETS !
Summer Heat Kettlebell Workshop ETS !
Another great night of doing what I love. Living, learning, passing on my Kettlebell knowledge and sharing my passion.
Block 6, Wave 2 - OH
Block 6, Wave 2 - OH
First training day with a bum wheel
Week 3 / Day 3 - Berserker Benching w/ video clip
Week 3 / Day 3 - Berserker Benching w/ video clip
week 3 Berserker Benching w/ video clip
DE Upper: Deload - 10x10 Swiss Bar Bench Press
DE Upper: Deload - 10x10 Swiss Bar Bench Press
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 11, Day 4 - 8.18.16
Pooping the Bed 101: The Anti Writeup
Pooping the Bed 101: The Anti Writeup
Whoever said discretion is the better part of valor forgot to mention the shame and anger that accompany it
DE Lower: Deload
DE Lower: Deload
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 11, Day 3 - 8.16.16
545x8 for 5 Sets On Beltless Squats Makes Joe a Dull Boy
545x8 for 5 Sets On Beltless Squats Makes Joe a Dull Boy
Death by squats. Hypertrophy blocks pay off, but they hurt like hell.
Olympia Bound: Sprints and back/bi's
Olympia Bound: Sprints and back/bi's
Putting in work at Metroflex Fargo
Olympia Bound: Deathlifts 775x1
Olympia Bound: Deathlifts 775x1
775x1 at four weeks out
Primary Back & Biceps
Primary Back & Biceps
Loving the eccentric overloaded chest supported t-bar rows today!
Week 3 / Day 2 - Deadlift Opener w/ video clip
Week 3 / Day 2 - Deadlift Opener w/ video clip
Week 3 - Deadlift opener for my upcoming meet w/ video clip.
What is next for me? My first attempt at vlogging and some light bench
What is next for me? My first attempt at vlogging and some light bench
Watch me ramble about what I want to do next and train light wide grip bench!
Bench still moving along smoothly
Bench still moving along smoothly
Got in the right head space to SFW
Week 1 Day 1 Upper
Week 1 Day 1 Upper
Getting back into the swing of things.

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