meet recap pt. 2
meet recap pt. 2
Be inspired!
Olympia Bound: Bench
Olympia Bound: Bench
Baby steps with this single ply bench bidness
meet recap pt. 1
meet recap pt. 1
Meet time!
Thursday/Friday Light work
Thursday/Friday Light work
Thursday SSB box squats- 135Conv deadlift stance 3x10Squat stance 3x10Leg press 2 plates each sideLeft leg x 10, right x 10, both x 103x through no restChest supported row- 1 plate2x30Sled 200 yard, plate + quarterKB swings2x101 mile on the bike in 4-5 min, moderate pace Friday Deep tissue massage DB  bench 50# 3x10 Rear […]
Tuesday Bench Opener
Tuesday Bench Opener
Feeling good. Openers are set.
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, and Some Volume Work (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, and Some Volume Work (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 10, Day 3 - 8.9.16
Block 6, Deload - OH/SQ
Block 6, Deload - OH/SQ
Nothing to do now but head south and weigh in
Week 4 - Berserker Bench Training w/ Video & my bout with pancreatitis
Week 4 - Berserker Bench Training w/ Video & my bout with pancreatitis
Week 4 Berserker Bench training with video and my bout with pancreatitis.
Primary Back & Biceps
Primary Back & Biceps
Sometimes the lighter I go on back exercises the better I feel the muscle working.
Deadlifts and Weddings
Deadlifts and Weddings
Sometimes I wear dresses, but I do deadlifts pretty often.
Wk8 Day2, Triphasic Light Upper, Isometric's
Wk8 Day2, Triphasic Light Upper, Isometric's
First session after activation therapy introduction, that shit ain't fun.
Sammy Santes - Team Nebobarbell - 2016 IPA Battle of The Beast with meet VIDEO....
Sammy Santes - Team Nebobarbell - 2016 IPA Battle of The Beast with meet...
PR squat, bench, deadlift, total, 1st place victory, 1 IPA World Record....
Block 6, Deload - DL/BP
Block 6, Deload - DL/BP
Today I needed to move so I did, and that's about all I have to say about today's training
Monday Night: Case of the fuckarounds
Monday Night: Case of the fuckarounds
1200lbs on the bar with video
Strength Training An Olympic Gold Medalist
Strength Training An Olympic Gold Medalist
Interview with Kyle Sela, concerning Kristin Armstrong's background strength training (none), her journey and focus this past year adding in the strength training piece looking to stay competitive into her 40's and winning another gold medal.
SSYoke Squats Slowly Sucking Less
SSYoke Squats Slowly Sucking Less
The first few weeks with the Yoke bar always feels terrible. I'm finally getting used to using it, but it's still extremely humbling. Barx8 95x5 135x5 175x5 195x5 215x5x3sets Pause 185x3x3 Goodmornings with ssb bar 95x6x4sets GHR 4X10  My hammies were crying after supersetting goodmornings and GHR!

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