Block 6, Wave 1 - Assistance II
It always amazes me how exhausting using your noodle instead of your muscles can be
Week 5 / Day 3 - Deadlift Training w/ Video
Week 5 Deadlift training in my Jack deadlifter and with video
Max Effort Bench
I've found through experience that my raw sets are not always a great predictor of how I'll feel in my gear.
80% Bench
I was a little hesitant to bench today, because of my back pain, but bench went extremely well, considering I couldn't deadlift two days ago. I hit all of these reps, paused, because that's what I do before every meet. Bench: 220x3 paused 185x2x5 pause presses Side Raise: 10x10 & 15x10 Rear Raise: 10x12 & […]
Block 6, Wave 1 - BP
Progress toward getting strong(er) in the face of increasing school demands heading into finals week(s)
Block 6, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday (T-Minus 2 Weeks to Brute Comp)
Two weeks out from competition and the plan is finally coming together
DE Lower: Speed Squats, Box Squats [PR!], and Deficit Deads [PR!] (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 9, Day 3 - 8.2.16
My Experience at the Activation Sport Course this Past Weekend
By far one of the most valuable continuing education experiences I've been a part of.