Block 6, Wave 1 - Assistance II
Block 6, Wave 1 - Assistance II
It always amazes me how exhausting using your noodle instead of your muscles can be
Leg Volume Blood Flow Work
Leg Volume Blood Flow Work
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Week 9, Mini Session 2 - 8.3.16
Olympia Bound: Sled sprints and back
Olympia Bound: Sled sprints and back
Body feels great after sprints
Week 5 / Day 3 - Deadlift Training w/ Video
Week 5 / Day 3 - Deadlift Training w/ Video
Week 5 Deadlift training in my Jack deadlifter and with video
Max Effort Bench
Max Effort Bench
I've found through experience that my raw sets are not always a great predictor of how I'll feel in my gear.
Game Plan Going Into UPA OSI Summer Showdown
Game Plan Going Into UPA OSI Summer Showdown
Some thoughts before meet day.
80% Bench
80% Bench
I was a little hesitant to bench today, because of my back pain, but bench went extremely well, considering I couldn't deadlift two days ago.  I hit all of these reps, paused, because that's what I do before every meet. Bench: 220x3 paused 185x2x5 pause presses Side Raise: 10x10 & 15x10 Rear Raise: 10x12 & […]
Block 6, Wave 1 - DL
Block 6, Wave 1 - DL
Decent deadlifting definitely does develop delightful disposition
Block 6, Wave 1 - BP
Block 6, Wave 1 - BP
Progress toward getting strong(er) in the face of increasing school demands heading into finals week(s)
Block 6, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday (T-Minus 2 Weeks to Brute Comp)
Block 6, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday (T-Minus 2 Weeks to Brute Comp)
Two weeks out from competition and the plan is finally coming together
Upper fluff.
Upper fluff.
Build it bigger!
Tuesday Bench
Tuesday Bench
Another shirted PR- 655, up 10# from two weeks ago
Chest and Shoulder Pump
Chest and Shoulder Pump
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Week 9, Mini Session 1 - 8.1.16
Wk7 Day2, Triphasic Heavy Upper, Heavy Doubles
Wk7 Day2, Triphasic Heavy Upper, Heavy Doubles
Fail bus rilling through the bench day 7 weeks out
My Experience at the Activation Sport Course this Past Weekend
My Experience at the Activation Sport Course this Past Weekend
By far one of the most valuable continuing education experiences I've been a part of.
Back & Biceps.
Back & Biceps.
Training at City Athletic Club in Las Vegas - an awesome gym!

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