Uncle Brett smashin it
Uncle Brett smashin it
Life first. The weights second.
Heavy DB press
Heavy DB press
This is happening!
Powerlifting course success!
Powerlifting course success!
Second run. Better run. 
Thursday July 21, 2016
Thursday July 21, 2016
speedy benching
Sunday July 17, 2016
Sunday July 17, 2016
time for a new bench shirt
Sunday July 10, 2016
Sunday July 10, 2016
Geared bench work
Thursday July 7, 2016
Thursday July 7, 2016
upper accessory
The Year of 25...[2016]
The Year of 25...[2016]
Things I want to work on...
Shelly Yates - Team Nebobarbell - 2016 IPA Battle of The Beast meet VIDEO....
Shelly Yates - Team Nebobarbell - 2016 IPA Battle of The Beast meet VIDE...
4 IPA World Records, 1st Place Victory, Masters Pro Elite Total, PR's on all lifts and a 400 pound deadlift!....
Training Week [post-bar madness; 3 Weeks Out]
Training Week [post-bar madness; 3 Weeks Out]
Done with the Bar Exam! Thank god I'm back to a routine/ regular training schedule
Back to the Deficit Grind
Back to the Deficit Grind
Forever pulling from a deficit
Week 9 - Prepping for Life - The Fluff Stuff
Week 9 - Prepping for Life - The Fluff Stuff
7/28 - Accessory Day Pullups 6 sets of bodyweight only x AMRAP on the EliteFTS monkey chin bar, alternating grip on every set Seated DB Arnold Front Raises 4x12 - Not sure what the proper term for this exercise is, just calling them this because I got these from Arnold's exercise book I bought as […]
Week 9 - Prepping for Life - The Heavy Stuff
Week 9 - Prepping for Life - The Heavy Stuff
2 big PR's 2 weeks out from the meet. There's no better time to be SFW!
Week 5 / Day 1 - Squat Training w/ Video (Full Gear)
Week 5 / Day 1 - Squat Training w/ Video (Full Gear)
Week 5 squat training in full gear with video of both myself and Neal.
Preparing for two competitions simultaneously is difficult.

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