DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, and Hamstring Destruction (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 8, Day 3 - 7.26.16
Close Grip Bench Until I Die
Just another session of attempted muscle building! Woof. CLose Grip Bench Press 315x5 315x5 315x5 275x12 275x10 275x10 A video posted by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Jul 28, 2016 at 12:01pm PDT High Pull 135x12 135x12 135x12 Chest Supported Row 45x25 45x25 45x25 45x25 Side Lateral Raise 35x12 35x12 35x12 Any […]
90% Squats
Sometimes all you really need is for someone else to believe in you, more than you believe in yourself. I mean, sadly, I feel like this is my life story. Today was one of those days, again. I tend to go on the more conservative side when it comes to picking weight attempts, often […]
Olympia Bound: ME hanging goodmorning
Knee wrapped cambered bar hanging good morning bodyweight 2016 PR
Katelyn Smith - Team Nebobarbell - 2016 IPA Battle of The Beast meet VID...
Daughter, athlete, basketball player, straight A student....powerlifter....
Block 6, Wave 1 - SQ
Not even the start of a fortnight of final exams and already I'm the rear float in the stupid parade
Raw bench with a rep-pr!
I got through the first 5 sets really easily, so I decided to push the weight on the last set to 315. I still got 6, which is a rep pr by one rep.
Week 5, Day 4 - Lower Body
Triple Drop Set on Front Squats - 275x8, drop to, 225x8, drop to 185x6, drop to 135x6
Wk6 Day2: Triphasic Training, Medium Lower
The facial expression you give when your brain and ego say, "Lets go belt-less"
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Doing my best to keep things at a moderate intensity level for the next few weeks!