High Bar Squats are the Devil and People Who Enjoy Them Are Crazy
Let's see. If I actually increase my leg strength, will it increase my raw squat? I wonder!!!
Wk6 Day1: Triphasic Training, Medium Upper
Still wrecked from weekend training, but these weights don't give a F!
Lower Body Accessories - Starting to Wind Things Down
Keeping the joints fresh and filled with blood.
Week 11 Day 2 - Last Heavy Deadlift Pulls of training cycle with VIDEO....
Some gainz on the deadlift for this bench only guy....
Block 5, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday with a Highland Games Flavor
I might have to kilt up and try throwing things in competition sometime soon
First Day Back to the Straight Bar...725x3
Passion, fury, and frustration culminating in a stupid PR by 50lbs.