What's that Fistful of Pills For?
A quick piece on some of the less glamorous supplements I take for general health.
Week 7 - BOB3 Prep
In a sport where there's always something to work on, sometimes...there is nothing to work on other than just continuing to work. Strength conundrums!
Cambered Bar Bench Press Reps and Sets and Volume
As much as i hate the McDonald Bench Bar, it's going to be an integral tool working on hypertrophy coming back from injury. I hope to reach my former strength in the same amount of time I was off, so two-ish months.
5 Weeks Out from Newport Open [1 Week from Bar exam]
Almost done with the Bar-- still getting training in!
Week 6 - BOB3 Prep
A solid training session on my weakest lift, the deadlift, boosted confidence for the rest of the week's training.
End of Week 5 - BOB3 Prep
7/1 was my accessory day in its usual format - Lat pulldown variation, front raises, side raises, 3 different rear delt exercises, biceps/triceps, and GHR's. On this day, I am big on variety and enjoy selecting exercises by feel. 7/3 - "Speed" Bench Day In past programs under coach Mike's direction, we have utilized this […]
ME Lower: Bow Bar Squats vs Chains [PR!] (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 7, Day 1 - 7.16.16
"I hate squats." My go-to, whiny statement before every single squat session. Really though, why do I "hate" them. Aside from the annoyance of getting wrapped for 5 heavyish sets, I really just hate them because they're my worst lift. Oh I know, how bratty of me to hate them just because I'm not good […]
Shut Up And Train Bells!
Training session designed by Bethany tonight, she really digs deep and works our weaknesses.
Sunday Squatzzz & Living, Learning Passing On!
Team training, helping others, 40th Anniversary party, lots of Family and wow what a day!