I'm back with...Leg Training!
I'm back with...Leg Training!
Hoping to get back to posting more training logs as I prepare to step onstage at the Olympia in September!
Wk5 Day1: Triphasic Training, Light Upper
Wk5 Day1: Triphasic Training, Light Upper
Trippled green bands, lets call it a "light day"....
Stupid Grip Feat Of The Week & Squat
Stupid Grip Feat Of The Week & Squat
It's become pretty clear that given the opportunity, I am going to do something foolish with my grip training each week. This week there was a new frame in the gym so I figured I would test it out.
Bench Press: 270x13 (Video) / 3 weeks out
Bench Press: 270x13 (Video) / 3 weeks out
Able to get into a better position for bench this week.
Wk4 Day3: Triphasic Training, Medium Lower
Wk4 Day3: Triphasic Training, Medium Lower
Squat depth and mohawk on point!
Press - 4 & 9 Weeks Out
Press - 4 & 9 Weeks Out
Continued technical work trying to figure this all out.
Strict OHP: 185x8 (Video) & 215x2
Strict OHP: 185x8 (Video) & 215x2
Beginning of this training cycle my best was 185x3; moving in the right direction!
Block 5, Wave 3 - DL
Block 5, Wave 3 - DL
Finishing up my current training block on a positive note equals no need for a deload
Block 5, Wave 3 - BP
Block 5, Wave 3 - BP
Saved from benching on Monday by more class schedule changes
Finally up to date!
Finally up to date!
This week I did 5 sets of 5 with 275, then rather than pushing the reps, I bumped the weight up to 300 and got a final set of 5. Although I've been stronger, I know I couldn't have done this last time I ran this bench cycle.
Week 4, Day 3 - Lower - Deadlifts (VIDEO), SSB Pause Squats and More
Week 4, Day 3 - Lower - Deadlifts (VIDEO), SSB Pause Squats and More
Strongman Off-Season Hypertrophy (w/Deadlift Video)
Week 7 / Day 1 - Squat Training w/ Video - end of band wave
Week 7 / Day 1 - Squat Training w/ Video - end of band wave
Week 7 squat training vs. bands w/ video. Final day of band wave.
Sunday light pulls
Sunday light pulls
Felt sluggish warming up but finished the day strong and didn't overdo it.
700x5 Beltless on the SSB!
700x5 Beltless on the SSB!
One hell of a training session. I matched my back squat PR with the SSB finally. This shows me some huge things are coming once the arm heals and I can get under a real barbell again.
Front Squats
Front Squats
Resilience in the face of adversity
Block 5, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Block 5, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday
Throwing things is fun, even if I did do it in the manner of a demented troll
Making Hard Decisions OR How to Eat a Poop Sammich
Making Hard Decisions OR How to Eat a Poop Sammich
Working hard to be strong(er) both mentally and physically

Items 8101 to 8120 of 13402 total