Building A Bigger Bench !
Building A Bigger Bench !
Hotter than the hobs of hell tonight is no excuse not to bench.
Week 4, Day 1 - Chest and Biceps
Week 4, Day 1 - Chest and Biceps
Strongman Off-Season Hypertrophy
Week 3, Day 4 - Traps And Back
Week 3, Day 4 - Traps And Back
Strongman Off-Season Hypertrophy
Squats: 390x8 / 455x3 / 500x2 (Video) - Closing in on meet time
Squats: 390x8 / 455x3 / 500x2 (Video) - Closing in on meet time
Accumulating some (good) fatigue about 4 weeks out.
Week 10 Day 3 - Supplemental Training Day....
Week 10 Day 3 - Supplemental Training Day....
Something about this rehab stuff works....
ME Upper: Bench Press vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
ME Upper: Bench Press vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 6, Day 2 - 7.10.16
Booster Mom To Beast!
Booster Mom To Beast!
“Hi! I’m Nickole and I am meant to pull trucks!”
Bottom Up Squat
Bottom Up Squat
I worked with Mattie to work on the 37" bottom up squat at Reno next month.
Block 5, Wave 3 - Assistance II
Block 5, Wave 3 - Assistance II
Just taking some time to sculpt my guns
Block 5, Wave 3 - SQ
Block 5, Wave 3 - SQ
I suspect I may have wrecked my ham hocks and cows today
6 weeks out
6 weeks out
A quick update on what I've been working towards...
Tuesday bench
Tuesday bench
Raw dogged it tonight...
speed pulls
speed pulls
Light work, slight deload.
Arm night
Arm night
Metroflex Fargo
Relentless Minnesota!
Relentless Minnesota!
Olympia 2016 here I come
Kettlebell Krushers!
Kettlebell Krushers!
Skull Krushers, Leg Krushers, Shoulder Krushers, Ab Krushers, we Krushed them all.
Trying to Rebuild My Upper Body
Trying to Rebuild My Upper Body
It's a tough thing to come back from, and I am still in the early stages, but I'm doing everything possible to return stronger
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 10
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 10
Monday Bench 95x8 115x5 135x5 155x3 175x2 195x2 All Paused 215x2x3sets 200x5 175x10 Lying tricep exts 5x8reps tricep push downs/Rope 4x15 Band pull aparts 3x25 Rotator cuff cleans 3x15  Tuesday Squats 135x5x2 215x5 225x3x6sets Pause squats 195x3x3sets Wednesday Paused Wide Grip Bench Work up to 175x3x3sets Band pull aparts 3x25 Rotator cuff cleans 3x15 Friday […]

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