Lower Body Accessories
Accessory days are just as important as the heavy days. Sometimes, the devil is in the details.
Prepping for the Bar Exam: Doing What I Have to-- To Do What I Want
Rambling about prepping for the bar exam, perspective, and learning how to flip any situation
Press - 5 & 10 Weeks Out
This is where things break down....no rack position, no support, no shoulder mobility to hold the weight in an appropriate position to begin with.
Deadlifts: 510x8 (rep PR) (Video) & Cambered Bar Box Squats / Purdue...
Pushing the work sets and assistance work as I finish these last few weeks of training. Feeling good!
Strict OHP: 195x5 & 205x3 (Video) / Getting head through quicker on ...
Pressing continues to improve both technically and strength-wise.
Block 5, Wave 2 - BP
At this point, any training is better than no training and just hitting minimums is a win
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squatting against Bands
Week 8 squat training vs. bands for the RPS Conquest meet with a video clip.
Sunday deads
Today was supposed to be a light day, but I felt great. So I worked up to 705 then hit one big set of block pulls.