Training for USPA Nationals - Week 9
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 9
Heaviest week of training for this training cycle
Lower Body Accessories
Lower Body Accessories
Accessory days are just as important as the heavy days. Sometimes, the devil is in the details.
Block 5, Wave 3 - OH
Block 5, Wave 3 - OH
Crapquake training in the interest of the pursuit of knowledge
Incline bench
Incline bench
Change up. Or grow up.
Last week
Last week
Still catching up, so here is last week's max effort and raw stuff.
Prepping for the Bar Exam: Doing What I Have to-- To Do What I Want
Prepping for the Bar Exam: Doing What I Have to-- To Do What I Want
Rambling about prepping for the bar exam, perspective, and learning how to flip any situation
Calves rule everything around me. Cream. They help the squat.
Press - 5 & 10 Weeks Out
Press - 5 & 10 Weeks Out
This is where things break rack position, no support, no shoulder mobility to hold the weight in an appropriate position to begin with.
Heavy Tricep Destruction
Heavy Tricep Destruction
Floor Press + Close Grip + Pin Presses = One Strong F'ing Lockout
Deadlifts: 510x8 (rep PR) (Video) & Cambered Bar Box Squats / Purdue Barbell Visit
Deadlifts: 510x8 (rep PR) (Video) & Cambered Bar Box Squats / Purdue...
Pushing the work sets and assistance work as I finish these last few weeks of training. Feeling good!
Strict OHP: 195x5 & 205x3 (Video) / Getting head through quicker on press
Strict OHP: 195x5 & 205x3 (Video) / Getting head through quicker on ...
Pressing continues to improve both technically and strength-wise.
ME Lower: SSB Squats vs Light Bands (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: SSB Squats vs Light Bands (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 6, Day 1 - 7.9.16
Me talking and Odin!
Me talking and Odin!
This is for you Dylan!
Block 5, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Block 5, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
The prowler and I are reunited and it feels so good
Block 5, Wave 2 - Assistance II
Block 5, Wave 2 - Assistance II
Rockin the "club pump" on a Friday afternoon
Block 5, Wave 2 - DL
Block 5, Wave 2 - DL
Sitting for a long time makes me weak(er) and awful(er)
Block 5, Wave 2 - BP
Block 5, Wave 2 - BP
At this point, any training is better than no training and just hitting minimums is a win
Block 5, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Block 5, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
There goes my perfect attendance record
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squatting against Bands
Week 8 / Day 1 - Squatting against Bands
Week 8 squat training vs. bands for the RPS Conquest meet with a video clip.
Sunday deads
Sunday deads
Today was supposed to be a light day, but I felt great. So I worked up to 705 then hit one big set of block pulls.

Items 8161 to 8180 of 13402 total