Sled Death Drags & Killer Legs !
Sled Death Drags & Killer Legs !
I had forgotten that leg burn from sled drags when you pull backwards, ouch.
Upper Speed Bench & Back!
Upper Speed Bench & Back!
I'm enjoying my off season training. Mixing things up a bit is always fun.
Training Update
Training Update
When life outweighs your passion; make it work to get your balance back.
Wk3 Day3 Triphasic Training: Light Lower
Wk3 Day3 Triphasic Training: Light Lower
3 reps, which is 12 seconds, under 365 + bands, with someone else counting. One hell of a way to tighten your shit up....
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip vs Bands, and Back Work (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Close Grip vs Bands, and Back Work (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Wk 5, Day 4 - 7.7.16
lower assist
lower assist
Get it in!!
Speed Squats - 5 Weeks Out
Speed Squats - 5 Weeks Out
Focusing on form, technique and explosiveness...heavy weight is around the corner.
Farmer's Baseline *old standard/old vid*
Farmer's Baseline *old standard/old vid*
I was feeling pretty good about it as a baseline, until I watched this blast from the past.
Operation Strongman Grip Baller, 5 &10 Weeks Out
Operation Strongman Grip Baller, 5 &10 Weeks Out
I saw the events for master's nationals and deep down got sad I wasn't competing. The events have Wattles written all over them...GRIP!
Week 9 / Day 3 - Berserker bench training
Week 9 / Day 3 - Berserker bench training
Week 9 Berserker Bench Training with a video clip.
Pro Women's Worlds, Pro Cards, WSW
Pro Women's Worlds, Pro Cards, WSW
Perhaps once the dust settles this year, transparency will rule in 2017 so that competitors can make thoughtful decisions for themselves and their families.
Week 3, Day 3 - Shoulders & Triceps
Week 3, Day 3 - Shoulders & Triceps
16 sets on shoulders and 16 sets on triceps = Huge pump
Week 3, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps (And a missed training session last week)
Week 3, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps (And a missed training session last w...
This is the first training session I've missed in a long, long time. I can't remember the last one.
Extra Leg Work
Extra Leg Work
Off Season 6 - Strength Block; Week 5, Mini Session 2 - 7.6.16
Upper assist. 5 weeks out
Upper assist. 5 weeks out
5 weeks out trying to hang thru this training.
Wk3 Day2 Triphasic Training: Medium Upper
Wk3 Day2 Triphasic Training: Medium Upper
What happens when EliteFTS' pretty boy Casey Williams tells you how to fix your bench?

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