Squat: 360x11 (video) / with Paused Down Sets
Squat: 360x11 (video) / with Paused Down Sets
Changes in technique for new style are continuing to slowly improve.
Strict OHP: 175x11 (Video) / Another rep PR & better speed after tip from Murph
Strict OHP: 175x11 (Video) / Another rep PR & better speed after tip...
Getting my through quicker on the press made a big difference.
Week 5, Day 3 - BOB3 Prep
Week 5, Day 3 - BOB3 Prep
Bodyweight's dropping for no apparent reason, but benching is still feeling strong.
Week 5, Day 2 - BOB3 Prep
Week 5, Day 2 - BOB3 Prep
Heavy squats, with a greater appreciation for fully attached quad tendons.
Week 5, Day 1 - BOB3 Prep
Week 5, Day 1 - BOB3 Prep
Back in the saddle with a more consistent training week after 2 less than ideal week.
Week 4 - BOB3 Prep
Week 4 - BOB3 Prep
Nose bleeds from hell, *almost* quad tears, and learning a valuable lesson on when to back off. What a week.
Week 3 - BOB3 Prep
Week 3 - BOB3 Prep
A pretty good strain and a tight schedule made for a challenging week, but overall a solid group of training. Eyes on the prize.
The Ever-Changing Life of T-Rex
The Ever-Changing Life of T-Rex
You know you best, and you don't owe anyone anything.
More Cardio!
Week 2 of Reps in Suit
Week 2 of Reps in Suit
One more week of torture.
Number Two! 695x3 and Another Nosebleed!
Number Two! 695x3 and Another Nosebleed!
695x3. If I match my old straight bar PR I will annihilate it when I get my arm back.
Re-learning the deadlift
Re-learning the deadlift
Going back to the basics.
Speed pulls
Speed pulls
I did these wth no belt and a double overhand grip (no hook) since I am trying to address both abdominal and grip strength
I'm so Proud!
I'm so Proud!
My first diet clients succeed at their show!!!!
Training Videos!
Training Videos!
Training Highlights!
My 15 Minutes of Youtube fame and goof-dom...
My 15 Minutes of Youtube fame and goof-dom...
Youtube Interview with MegSquats!
Pro Women's Worlds Events Announced
Pro Women's Worlds Events Announced
Today was the day I've been waiting on, events were listed for Pro Women's Worlds in Louisville, KY in October.
The Journey: DL
The Journey: DL
Coming into a new training cycle after a competition feels like starting a 1000 mile journey after just finishing one.

Items 8241 to 8260 of 13402 total