Kettlebell Metabolic Conditioning 101 !
Kettlebell Metabolic Conditioning 101 !
Double bell 2 min sets, double your pleasure, double your work in half the time.
Weight is moving on up
How Do You Eat All Those Carbs?
How Do You Eat All Those Carbs?
My go-to choices to get in a lot of carbs.
Quick & Easy Meal - No Cooking Required
Quick & Easy Meal - No Cooking Required
All you need is a microwave.
Contest History - 7 Years in the Strongman
Contest History - 7 Years in the Strongman
Don't call it a comeback. I been here for years. - LL Cool J
Thinking about Vulnerability in Strength and Fitness...
Thinking about Vulnerability in Strength and Fitness...
What does real vulnerability look like?
Week 2, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
Week 2, Day 1 - Chest & Biceps
I stopped worrying about the weight I was using...
Week 1, Day 4 - Leg Day
Week 1, Day 4 - Leg Day
That's a lot of volume.
Week 1, Day 3 - Traps & Back
Week 1, Day 3 - Traps & Back
Off-Season Hypertrophy for Strongman
Heavy Squats 3 Weeks out
Heavy Squats 3 Weeks out
Heavy squats moving well!
Week 9 Day 2 - Lower Body....
Week 9 Day 2 - Lower Body....
If I would have only listened when I was younger....
Chest and Shoulders with Nutrition Pics Update (w/VIDEO)
Chest and Shoulders with Nutrition Pics Update (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Hypertrophy Block; Wk 4, Day 2 - 6.26.16
Block 5, Wave 1 - Assistiance II
Block 5, Wave 1 - Assistiance II
Still keeping assistance day easy peasy until further notice
Work Update
Work Update
New Position
Sunday June 12, 2016
Sunday June 12, 2016
floor press with chain
Saturday June 11, 2016
Saturday June 11, 2016
Reverse band squats
Meet Update
Meet Update
Signed up!
Thursday June 9, 2016
Thursday June 9, 2016
Benching and Chins
The Weight Update
The Weight Update
I went on a binge and ate ALL THE FOODS!

Items 8281 to 8300 of 13402 total