My Leg Day Training with Dave Tate! (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Hypertrophy Block; Wk 3, Day 1 - 6.18.16
Week 11 / Day 3 - Lower Training - Deadlift Day
Week 11 - Deadlift training for RPS Conquest - Video included.
Primary/Base Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Back to John's program for a few days before beginning the depletion process next week for Chicago!
Post Meet Pump!
Still coming down from my high on the weekend. Upper pump and Birthday Shenanigans !
Where I've Been, Where I Am, and Where I'm Going
If anything, a fire has been lit, and it's going to be hard to put out.
Hitting Some Reps in the Shirt
These reps are feeling somewhat effortless. Excited to get some heavy weight in my hands.
Week 11 / Day 2 - Upper Training - Back Day & adventures in weightli...
Week 11 / Day 2 - Upper Training - Back work and the latest adventure with weightlifting