Bench Press: 290x9 & 315x5 (Video) / Bench is Finally Starting to Mo...
Slow and steady, but Bench is moving again.
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #7 Social Investment: Why Social Support is Your Single Greatest Asset
Safety Bar and One Handed Pulls
Keeping it simple, getting my legs stronger, and being impatient as all hell! 565x9 515x10 A video posted by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Jun 17, 2016 at 11:12am PDT 225x2 245x1 A video posted by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Jun 19, 2016 at 2:19pm PDT
Metabolic Double Kettlebell Conditioning!
Deload for me, Metcon for the team, and a brand new Kettlebell enthusiast tonight!
Week 11 / Day 1 - Lower Training - Cambered Bar vs. Chains
Week 11 / Day 1 - Lower training with the cambered bar for the RPS Conquest meet. With Video.
Primary/Base Leg Day
Turned up the intensity slightly as I get back to some normal training before depleting again for my next competition!
Week 8 Day 1 - RAWWWWWWWWW bench-press Training with VIDEO....
Block 5, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
No better way to start off a beautiful Saturday morning than with event training