Week 6 - Back work and benching
Week 6 - Back work and benching
Yet another pec strain. I guess I was due for it. Lots of rambling about my plans for the next few weeks in here.
Conjuphasic DE & RE Lower
Conjuphasic DE & RE Lower
Know your order of operations, it's not just for math! APF State meet December 19, 2019
Kryptonite Benching
Kryptonite Benching
Sadly, this was a good training day with this exercise variation
Lower Accessory day - working to stop the pain
Lower Accessory day - working to stop the pain
Lower Accessory - still trying new movements
Movement Work With the ShouldeRok
Movement Work With the ShouldeRok
View this post on Instagram "My elbows hurt. My pecs hurt. I can't get into position on squats. I tore my biceps. I can't wipe my ass. Etc etc". You want to be more stable in strength planes of movement? Own position and movement in all others. Everything is tied together. If your shoulders suck, […]
DE Box Squatting
DE Box Squatting
I suck at box squatting so I am planning on trying to build it up a little bit to help out my raw squat. I do like box squatting vs bands for my Speed work though. I used the elitefts squat box on the medium height, which puts me at just below parallel. vs elitefts […]
Back to benching
Back to benching
pain free pressing
Week 6 - Squatting and Pulling
Week 6 - Squatting and Pulling
Making good progress on both the squat and pull.
"DE" Lower and DE Upper- You get a band! And you get a band!!!
"DE" Lower and DE Upper- You get a band! And you get a band!!!
You will want to read this just to see the name I came up with for belt squat marches
Off-Season Recap: Were Glute Bridges and McFlurries a Success?
Off-Season Recap: Were Glute Bridges and McFlurries a Success?
THE INCREDIBLE BULK- by Lily Starbloatin (thank you George and Tyrel for these V good puns)
Conjuphasic Max Effort Close Grip Incline
Conjuphasic Max Effort Close Grip Incline
They say to work on things you are bad at right? Well, let's make it all in ME to boot; Incline, shoulder saver, close grip
Laziness Is Why I Don't Have Abs
Laziness Is Why I Don't Have Abs
Or maybe just fatness
Upper Heavy Day - when in doubt...add a ply
Upper Heavy Day - when in doubt...add a ply
Benching - adding a ply and making friends
Hypertrophy - Legs
Hypertrophy - Legs
Trying to grow a big pair of legs
CJ Tuesdays
CJ Tuesdays
Shoulder pain is back. Check out this pre-training shoulder warm up using the PVC pipe.
ME Lower and Upper- A Real DeBACKle
ME Lower and Upper- A Real DeBACKle
Hello have you seen my strength it seems to have been misplaced
Week 4 Day 1 - No benching for me today....
Week 4 Day 1 - No benching for me today....
This freaking sucks balls....
Bench (raw)
Bench (raw)
I really didn't think the saying "I can't count past 5" was a thing until I miscounted my set twice. Don't worry, I went back and finished.
squatting with Dave and shirt work
squatting with Dave and shirt work
not a lot of work but enough

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