Post-Contest Back & Biceps
What does a post-contest training session look like? Check out this training log to see my approach.
Everything is Everything-- Type A, Neurotic Ramblings
Feelings aren't facts--treat them accordingly.
First Article in Mental Health Series Posted
A lot of people have been asking me about when this first article would be out, so here is the link.
Chest and Shoulders and Nutrition Update with Pics (w/VIDEO)
Off Season 6 - Hypertrophy Block; Wk 2, Day 2 - 6.12.16
Set Yourself Up for a Bigger Bench
A 7 minute video, give or take, on how I teach my clients to set up for bigger benches.
Body Maintenance, 3 Days Out RPS Nationals!
Percussor, foam roll, stretch, joint mobility, old dog, new tricks.
Sunday Deathlifts
Worked up a little heavier than I anticipated but it was a good day, although I might need some grip work.
Breakdown of Progress Since The Arnold / How Exactly I Organize Training...
A summary of how I've been organizing training & the progress I've been making the past few months.
Deadlift Deload: SSB Box Squats in Briefs (Video) / Transition to Next B...
Threw the briefs on for some speed work.