2 Weeks Out - Conditioning
2 Weeks Out - Conditioning
Just maintaining my conditioning.
Raw Bench Still Moving Up!
Raw Bench Still Moving Up!
When weight that used to feel really heavy feels really light.
Block 4, Wave 3 - DL
Block 4, Wave 3 - DL
When one has to prevail through the preparation to perform, one must wonder where one has gone awry
2 Weeks Out - Block Pulls, Front Squats & Lunges
2 Weeks Out - Block Pulls, Front Squats & Lunges
I did have an old low back injury that seemed to want to flare up a little bit.
Squats: 350x12 (rep PR) (Video) / Conditioning continues to improve
Squats: 350x12 (rep PR) (Video) / Conditioning continues to improve
Conditioning and Work Capacity has improved a lot the past few weeks.
Deadlift: 465x7 (Video) & SSB Box Squats
Deadlift: 465x7 (Video) & SSB Box Squats
Pushed the reps last week, so played it a little more conservative today on deadlift.
Overhead Press: 180x9 & 200x3 (Video)
Overhead Press: 180x9 & 200x3 (Video)
Continuing to hit rep PRs on OHP
Tuesday bench
Tuesday bench
Sticking with the volume phase around 85%
Kettlebell Tabata Sets, The Destroyer! (w/video)
Kettlebell Tabata Sets, The Destroyer! (w/video)
Worse than death by Kettlebell, Tabata sets will destroy you and your fat. Best high intensity interval training ever.
Two Weeks Out: Events
Two Weeks Out: Events
While I would love another month to prepare for this competition, I am super pleased with the progress I have made in such a short time.
2016 APF Equipped Nationals Meet Report: The Bare Minimum
2016 APF Equipped Nationals Meet Report: The Bare Minimum
Florida, Orlando Barbell, and Jo Jordan Learns SnapChat
My Nutrition Leading Up to 2016 USS Strongman Nationals
My Nutrition Leading Up to 2016 USS Strongman Nationals
Meal 2: 20 oz. Mountain Dew, Bag of Chex Mix... Meal 3: Rice Crispies cereal in Milk...
Ruptured Bicep Tendon and Stubborn Squats
Ruptured Bicep Tendon and Stubborn Squats
I've torn my biceps tendon. I am scheduled to have surgery on June 1st, and will simply come back with time.
Project Eat the Same Thing Every Day...
Project Eat the Same Thing Every Day...
How I plan on getting super "shredded", by my standards at least, this summer.... [amounts/portion sizes subject to macros as determined by my coach] Meals Turkey Sandwiches made w/ low carb bread and pita  -light/reduced fat cheese -lettuce -mustard, hot sauce, other low calorie/calorie free spreads Salads - Baby Spinach (because I like it more than lettuce) […]
~10 Weeks Out: W2-D1
~10 Weeks Out: W2-D1
W2: D1 Training (~10 weeks out)
New Cycle, New Shirt
New Cycle, New Shirt
The 600 was really easy, and the lockout was nice and solid!
Upper Training - Back Day
Upper Training - Back Day
Upper training - Back Day

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