Primary Leg Day
Primary Leg Day
1 week out from the Toronto Pro Supershow!
Block 4, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday @ Brute Strength Gym
Block 4, Wave 3 - Strongman Saturday @ Brute Strength Gym
I find nothing unusual or abnormal with traveling two and half hours each way to train, if the facility is of the caliber of Brute Strength Gym
Progessive training.
Progessive training.
Don't stop get it get it!
Week 1 of Following a MACRO Based Diet
Week 1 of Following a MACRO Based Diet
Don't worry, I won't start hash-tagging IIFYM or FITFAM
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 4
Training for USPA Nationals - Week 4
Overall a fun week of training! 7 weeks out.
Squat & Deadlift Openers In Place, 3 Weeks Out!
Squat & Deadlift Openers In Place, 3 Weeks Out!
Hotter than the hobs of hell training today but work was done.
2 Weeks Out - Events
2 Weeks Out - Events
Putting in the work.
Pause Squats
Pause Squats
When you do 500 squats and 501 looks the best.
5/3/1 Wk3 OH Press / PUMP DAY
5/3/1 Wk3 OH Press / PUMP DAY
nothing out of the ordinary
Upper assitance.
Upper assitance.
Working hard to get it in!
Two Weeks Out: Press
Two Weeks Out: Press
This is my "weak" week in my observation, so I'm on the right track.
Two Weeks Out: DL
Two Weeks Out: DL
This is a new issue since the weight loss.
Underweight raw benching
Underweight raw benching
So I knew the weight loss shouldn't be catastrophic for my lifting, but it would have a slight effect.
3 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, CG Axle Floor Press & More
3 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, CG Axle Floor Press & More
I pushed my days back this week to allow it to heal some.
Thursday/Friday training
Thursday/Friday training
Squats and assistance work/bodybuilding day. Squats are feeling better!
~11 Weeks Out: All of W1 (New Training Cycle)
~11 Weeks Out: All of W1 (New Training Cycle)
First week back to normal training-- 10 weeks out.

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