Diet Confessions
Diet Confessions
Think clearly. Think with purpose.
The Happiness Advantage
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #6 The 20 Second Rule: How to turn bad habits into good ones by minimizing barriers to change
3 Weeks Out - Traveled to STL for Fingal Fingers & Stones
3 Weeks Out - Traveled to STL for Fingal Fingers & Stones
Finally got a chance to use an actual fingal finger implement.
Week 4 Day 1 - Raw Benching....
Week 4 Day 1 - Raw Benching....
All in all today was a good day....
Sunday Squatzzz & Pulls 4 Weeks Out RPS !
Sunday Squatzzz & Pulls 4 Weeks Out RPS !
Another post surgery P.R. one really ugly 276 lb squat, never stop on a bad one so I did 3 and made the last one count !
5/3/1 Wk2 Day4 OH Press / Arm Pump
5/3/1 Wk2 Day4 OH Press / Arm Pump
pump day so good my biceps started cramping
Block 4, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Block 4, Wave 2 - Strongman Saturday
Sometimes less is more, but I don't have to like it
Block 4, Wave 2 - Assistance II
Block 4, Wave 2 - Assistance II
In the wake of final exams, PREPARE is meeting PREVAIL with 3 weeks to go until nationals
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 11, Day 1 - 5.21.16
Sunday sq/dl
Sunday sq/dl
Easy speed squat day and bumping up the intensity on deads.
Pause Squats
Pause Squats
7 weeks out from Relentless. Changes need to be made but for now I'm going with the flow. It's always a learning experience.
Quick Picks for the Week 5/15/16
Quick Picks for the Week 5/15/16
That Dave Tate Character Puts Out Some Good Content
Three Weeks Out: Events
Three Weeks Out: Events
Let's just say during the first set I had a wardrobe malfunction.
"It WILL Pay Off": A Message for Those Struggling with Mental Illness
"It WILL Pay Off": A Message for Those Struggling with Mental ...
From some dark places to relief for the first time ever.. I hope my journey can be encouraging to you in your own situation.
Find your place.
Find your place.
Looking up and forward, don't look back your not headed that way!
Three Weeks Out: DL
Three Weeks Out: DL
It seems like this area is always one of the first to get cut but remains one of the most important to my performance.
Primary Legs at The Gym Standard
Primary Legs at The Gym Standard
I trained at Gabe Moen's gym in Puyallup this morning.

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