Sumo Deads
Playing it smart rather than playing it meathead will hopefully keep me in this sport for a long time.
Joey Smith - 2016 IPA Press Fitness Tennessee State Championships....Mee...
I dedicate this meet to my dad - Steve Smith. I love and miss you Dad....
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father - Shelly Yates....
We are so proud of you Shelly....
700x5 Squat RPE 9 w/ video!!!
I am pretty overreached currently but this was a great indicator of where my strength is, and the potential for where it can go by July 16. I have been pushing hard and the momentum is building.
Safety Squat Bar Box Squats
Christmas is about to come early with this Christmas tree that's growing in my low back.
Death by Squats
Squat: barx2x8, 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 225x3, 255x4x2, 255x8 Split Squat: 4x12 BB Row: 115x12 & 175x12 Shrug: 175x12 & 210x12 Reverse Hyper: 180x3x15
Rebuilding: Lost 50 Lbs, Mission Complete
It is with mixed feelings; I can officially say that I have lost 50 lbs. since January.
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
I went with Christina's favorite triceps superset to finish off this workout!
ME Upper: Final Heavy Bench Day (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 10, Day 2 - 5.15.16
Hells Bells ! (w/video's)
Double Hells Bells too, when you let one of your instructors create the training session, we get an ass whooping !
Team Nebobarbell - Anika Harper - 2016 Cincinnati, Ohio Women's Pro...
Shooooooooooooooo Cuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
HUGE Bench PR 455x5 paused reps!
Yes yes yes!!!! Coupled with patient rep work, and increasing the efficiency of my form I have been aiming for this for a while now! The hand off was sketchy, and slightly got me out of position but I managed to finish.
Pause Bench Press: 285x7 (video) / Pauses are gradually feeling better a...
Both pressing and rowing strength is improving.