Deadlifts: 515x3 (Video) / Rotating in Box Squats to Control Depth & Build Deadlift
Deadlifts: 515x3 (Video) / Rotating in Box Squats to Control Depth &...
Rotating in box squats as a supplemental movement to control my squat depth and build my deadlift.
5/3/1 Wk2 Day1 SS Yoke
5/3/1 Wk2 Day1 SS Yoke
Trying to keep it all down!!!
SPF Northeast Showdown Meet Report!
SPF Northeast Showdown Meet Report!
I really had no expectations going into this meet, other than my deadlift training was going better than normal, my bench was worse, and after multiple gear changes, my squat was going "who the f*ck knows?"
ME Lower: Reverse Band Deadlifts
ME Lower: Reverse Band Deadlifts
Excited how my deadlift will turn out after this training cycle.
Monday bench
Monday bench
Goal was 90% for speed doubles, a little Duffin style
Rebuilding: Press/Bench & Visitors!
Rebuilding: Press/Bench & Visitors!
We had some very special visitors today, The Kromer Family and my Friday Night training pal Joann.
Video of Barnyard Barbell
Video of Barnyard Barbell
Max just turned 12 this week. He's a stud
Lower Training - Hatfield Squats
Lower Training - Hatfield Squats
Lower Training - Hatfield Squats
ME Lower: Final Heavy Lower Day - Openers (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: Final Heavy Lower Day - Openers (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 10, Day 1 - 5.14.16
Primary Leg Day
Primary Leg Day
Changed exercise selection and sequence up significantly on this workout!
Not what I was looking for
Not what I was looking for
I threw my hat into the ring. The ring threw it back with a rock in it.
Grip's Getting Better and My Squats are Still Dumb Strong
Grip's Getting Better and My Squats are Still Dumb Strong
My grip actually felt good today. This week is going to be a test of my strength. A huge deal of fatigue, and overreaching will be coming into play.
Week 2 Day 4 - Multiply Rev Band Squat with VIDEO....
Week 2 Day 4 - Multiply Rev Band Squat with VIDEO....
Come on now knee, time to get right again....
Benching strong!
Benching strong!
Push the volume, walk out exhausted.
The Happiness Advantage
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #5: The Zorro Circle- How Limiting Your Focus to Small, Manageable Goals Can Expand Your Sphere of Power
Friday/Saturday at the compound
Friday/Saturday at the compound
Training at the compound, and Dave telling me to quit being a p***y.
Thursday squats
Thursday squats
Speed style squat day. Short rest periods. Out of breath the entire workout.
Quick Picks for the Week 5/8/16
Quick Picks for the Week 5/8/16
Some freakin' awesome articles this past week!

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