Pause Bench Press: 285x7 (video) / Pauses are gradually feeling better a...
Both pressing and rowing strength is improving.
Deadlifts: 515x3 (Video) / Rotating in Box Squats to Control Depth &...
Rotating in box squats as a supplemental movement to control my squat depth and build my deadlift.
SPF Northeast Showdown Meet Report!
I really had no expectations going into this meet, other than my deadlift training was going better than normal, my bench was worse, and after multiple gear changes, my squat was going "who the f*ck knows?"
Rebuilding: Press/Bench & Visitors!
We had some very special visitors today, The Kromer Family and my Friday Night training pal Joann.
ME Lower: Final Heavy Lower Day - Openers (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 10, Day 1 - 5.14.16
Grip's Getting Better and My Squats are Still Dumb Strong
My grip actually felt good today. This week is going to be a test of my strength. A huge deal of fatigue, and overreaching will be coming into play.
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #5: The Zorro Circle- How Limiting Your Focus to Small, Manageable Goals Can Expand Your Sphere of Power
Friday/Saturday at the compound
Training at the compound, and Dave telling me to quit being a p***y.