DE Lower: Speed Squats and Pulls, Accessory Work (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 3 - 5.10.16
5/3/1 Overhead Press: 165x8 (Video) / Chin-Up Total Up to 82 for the Day
Chin-Up totals are rising, up to 82 this session!
5/3/1 Squat: 345x10 (Video) / Raw Squat Technique is Slowly Getting Back...
Another notch in the win column!
Deadlift Party !
Finally a kick ass training session, some confidence and a Deadlift P.R. post shoulder surgery!
Rebuilding: Events & DL Redemption
I got some chuckles out of the potential of getting hit by lightening while doing Conan's.
Wednesday bench
Had to move training days around this week, today was just a bread and butter bench day. Nothing fancy.
Appointment with Hip Specialist / Future Hip Replacement? / & the Re...
Ready for the challenges moving forward.
Upper Recovery/Pump Work
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Mini Session 1 - 5.9.16
ME Upper - Swiss Bar Floor Press w/ Chains
Weights felt heavy, so I kept it light after my work sets and chased le pump.
Back with the Team! Running 5/3/1 Day 1 Squats 5x5
Back to where it all started when I walked in the doors, back to 5/3/1!