Back with the Team! Running 5/3/1 Day 1 Squats 5x5
Back with the Team! Running 5/3/1 Day 1 Squats 5x5
Back to where it all started when I walked in the doors, back to 5/3/1!
Reps on Reps on Reps
Reps on Reps on Reps
Today was wide grip bench day.  I had a lot of back pain after bench, but hey, I'll live. I REALLY need adjusted.  I always go right after I get back from a meet, and here I am, 4 weeks later, and I still haven't went.  Anyway, nothing too exciting.   Wide Grip Bench: barx2x15, […]
ME Upper: LOTS OF PRESSIN' - Heaviest Bench of Prep (w/VIDEO)
ME Upper: LOTS OF PRESSIN' - Heaviest Bench of Prep (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 2 - 5.8.16
knee stability training.
knee stability training.
No time. No excuses.
Active recovery upper
Active recovery upper
Freya is too cool for her bibs
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps: Primary Workout
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps: Primary Workout
Grinding through this diet training with purpose!
5 Weeks Out - Hypertrophy Back Day
5 Weeks Out - Hypertrophy Back Day
Just chasing that pump...
Upper Training - Reload Week
Upper Training - Reload Week
Upper Training - Reload Week
Block 4, Wave 2 - OH
Block 4, Wave 2 - OH
An aggressive baboon goes on the hunt
Block 4, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Block 4, Wave 1 - Strongman Saturday
Sometimes to make strongman extra stupid, we train in the rain
Rebuilding: Press/Bench
Rebuilding: Press/Bench
I'm really struggling with log these days.
My Grip Still Sucks But I'm Good at Squatting. 625x6 SSB.
My Grip Still Sucks But I'm Good at Squatting. 625x6 SSB.
Okay, so I'm still hook gripping, but it's SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING. I suck at it, and I have tiny hands. I'm going to continue to do both, but I may try mixed next week. Jeremy Hamilton, Zahir, and a lot of other guys that have dealt with grip issues, simply increased grip strength rather than trying to revamp the entire
Squats, Squats And More Squats!
Squats, Squats And More Squats!
Squats and Kettlebells tonight, a great combo!
Max pulls pin 2. Video
Max pulls pin 2. Video
Mental preparedness. Focus.
Primary Legs
Primary Legs
A ton of volume working up to a brutal set of leg press with drop and a rare front squat appearance!

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