Back with the Team! Running 5/3/1 Day 1 Squats 5x5
Back to where it all started when I walked in the doors, back to 5/3/1!
Reps on Reps on Reps
Today was wide grip bench day. I had a lot of back pain after bench, but hey, I'll live. I REALLY need adjusted. I always go right after I get back from a meet, and here I am, 4 weeks later, and I still haven't went. Anyway, nothing too exciting. Wide Grip Bench: barx2x15, […]
ME Upper: LOTS OF PRESSIN' - Heaviest Bench of Prep (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 9, Day 2 - 5.8.16
Team Nebobarbell - Samantha Snowder - 2016 Cincinnati, Ohio Women's...
Getting closer to that total!....
5/3/1 Bench: 255x11 (Video) / Raw Bench is Slowly Picking Back Up
Raw bench is slowly feeling not-so-terrible.
My Grip Still Sucks But I'm Good at Squatting. 625x6 SSB.
Okay, so I'm still hook gripping, but it's SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING. I suck at it, and I have tiny hands. I'm going to continue to do both, but I may try mixed next week. Jeremy Hamilton, Zahir, and a lot of other guys that have dealt with grip issues, simply increased grip strength rather than trying to revamp the entire
Primary Legs
A ton of volume working up to a brutal set of leg press with drop and a rare front squat appearance!