Reverse bands and occluded calves!
Rebuilding: DL/Squat
Rebuilding: DL/Squat
Holding strong at 45 pounds lost and hope to still be counting so I got that going for me.
Heavy/Awkward Squats
Heavy/Awkward Squats
Estimating my max squat
Rebuilding: Events With The Girls
Rebuilding: Events With The Girls
I also got a brand new present...a FINGAL FINGER!
DE Upper: Speed Bench, More Wide Grip PR's, Back (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Speed Bench, More Wide Grip PR's, Back (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 8, Day 4 - 5.5.16
495 Bench For Reps (w/ Reverse Bands)
495 Bench For Reps (w/ Reverse Bands)
Okay, so I misled you with the title, get over it. It's still nice to be able to move this much weight even with light reverse bands. I am very excited to see where my pressing ends up in the future, and will hopefully be hitting a big PR on July 16.
Kettlebell Sport Technique Training! (w/video's)
Kettlebell Sport Technique Training! (w/video's)
Sport training is a continual learning and improving curve, good technique equals P.R.'s.
Bench'n and back'n
Bench'n and back'n
Feather weights pain free. Moving on up!
Lower active recovery
Lower active recovery
Eliptical -30 minutes Adductor machine 4 sets of 30 Abductor machine 4 set of 30 Standing leg curl 3 sets of 20 Leg curl 3 sets of 20 Leg press 3 sets of 20 Calves 3 sets of 30 Abs 4 sets of 20
Leg Work Recovery
Leg Work Recovery
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 8, Mini Session 2 - 5.4.16
Benching for reps.
Benching for reps.
Push hard even when your tired.
DE Lower: SSB Speed Squats and Heaviest Deadlift of Prep (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: SSB Speed Squats and Heaviest Deadlift of Prep (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 8, Day 3 - 5.3.16
Back & Biceps
Back & Biceps
Basics with a little lower volume to wrap up this 12 week program.
New Adventures
New Adventures
It's time to fly from the nest.
Chest, Shoulders, Triceps - Primary Day
Chest, Shoulders, Triceps - Primary Day
Rounding out the last week of this 12 week program.
Upper Training - Heavy Bench w/ Video
Upper Training - Heavy Bench w/ Video
Upper Training = heavy bench day with some video
Block 4, Wave 1 - Assistance II
Block 4, Wave 1 - Assistance II
Chains plus DBs? What is this anarchy!?

Items 8781 to 8800 of 13402 total