DE Lower: SSB Speed Squats, 315x15 Pause Squats, and More (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 3 - 4.26.16
Sub Par Benching, A Clock in Clock Out Session
Benching with the flu is not a fun thing really. Sub par strength, but showing up is half the battle.
Block 4, Wave 1 - Assistance I
Fun Fact: Working on tiny, crappy stabilizers makes me much more sore than focusing on big boy muscles
405 Raw Bench PR...Finally hit 4 plates! (w/ VIDEO)
Hit a milestone raw bench at 405 way easier than expected. Naturally, like the greedy bastard that I am, went for broke at 430 and had some help on the way up.
Squat Cardio and Basebuilding 595x8
Higher rep squats are never fun, but if I can hit 600 for high reps, I'm fairly certain I'm getting stronger