Lower Training - Front Squats w/ video
Lower Training - Front Squats w/ video
Lower Training - Front squat with a harness and a video
Block 4, Wave 1 - SQ
Block 4, Wave 1 - SQ
Solid training overall despite some minor residual right leg nonsense from my overhead faux pas on Monday
Lower Speed, 8 Weeks Out RPS Nationals!
Lower Speed, 8 Weeks Out RPS Nationals!
I can't believe in less than 8 weeks I am taking the platform again, scary yet exciting.
California Dreamin
California Dreamin
This is the first time I've touched a barbell since the meet.
Rebuilding: Press & New For Strong Mamas
Rebuilding: Press & New For Strong Mamas
Get in touch. I would love to have any thoughts and experiences you have about this issue.
Extra Upper Body Volume
Extra Upper Body Volume
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 7, Mini Session 1 - 4.25.16
Paused Bench PR of 405x8!
Paused Bench PR of 405x8!
Training a variety of grips on bench, and cueing CONSTANT tightness is resulting in a very nice series of progression going on here. I'm optimistic for my competition on July 16th!
Training [W3: D1-4]
Training [W3: D1-4]
Week three of new training!
CTP 4-2 Day 3
CTP 4-2 Day 3
Calves and Quad killers!
CTP Cycle 4-2 Day 2
CTP Cycle 4-2 Day 2
Need a fire lit
Got Hope?
Got Hope?
HopeKids exists to restore hope and transform the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions, their families and the communities in which we serve.
Chest, Shoulder & Triceps - Primary Workout
Chest, Shoulder & Triceps - Primary Workout
New movement on chest today!
ME Upper: Bench Opener and Reverse Band Second (w/VIDEO)
ME Upper: Bench Opener and Reverse Band Second (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 2 - 4.24.16
Team Nebobarbell - Shelly Yates - 2016 Cincinnati, Ohio Women's Pro/Am with meet VIDEO....
Team Nebobarbell - Shelly Yates - 2016 Cincinnati, Ohio Women's Pro...
In the darkest hour the soul is replenished and given strength to continue and endure. -- Author Unknown
Team Videos
Team Videos
We have a ton of them from this weekend!!
2016 RPS US Open - Meet Recap
2016 RPS US Open - Meet Recap
My body was grateful for me stopping the water cut the next day, too.
Late night squatting
Late night squatting
10 pm. And the gym was packed!!

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