CTP Cycle 4 Day 6
Trying to get motivated, looking for meets to compete in and prepping to judge a competition.
Nate anchors his hand in while benching Walter for charity video
Relentless Challenge: Nate Benches Walter
Kettlebell Workshop, 15 Athletes, 2 Instructors, 40 Bells!
What a perfect amount of people to teach, Ken and I had an amazing time at Brenda's Fitness doing what we do best, Living, Learning, Passing On.
Sunday sq/dl
Training felt fine, but my stomach wasn't feeling it all morning. I ended the training session with a nice puke in the creek behind the gym.
Friday Night Squatzzzzz !
When our son comes home and challenges Mom to squat, I guess I gotta take the challenge.
Block 3, Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday
Sometimes nature is a female dog and a plan doesn't come together
Vacation and Career Gains
Coming back from vacation, a promotion, and getting ready to SMASH. FUCKING. WEIGHT.
THURSDAY and Athlete Goals
Goal for now: continue lifting light and coaching my team. Check out my elitefts coaching log.
Rebuilding: Path To Success
Each belt has a story to tell. Each belt reflects on a different time in my strength career, different strength levels, different body weights, goals, successes, failures and frustrations.
MRI Results (my soaked purple gown..) / Hip Injury Update
The squat issues I've been having are starting to make sense..
Week in Review - Week 4 of Offseason Training
4/11 - Squats Warmup: Hard foam roll - IT band, psoas, low back, t-spine McGill Big 3 PRI Breathing Drills 5 part hip series Lying Leg Curls 3 sets of 8 reps - 3 second hold at the top of each rep, 3 second negative Duffalo Bar Squats (beltless/sleeves) Warmups: 1 plate per side x […]
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Wide Grip, Back Work (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 4 - 4.21.16