CTP Cycle 4 Day 6
CTP Cycle 4 Day 6
Trying to get motivated, looking for meets to compete in and prepping to judge a competition.
Kettlebell Workshop, 15 Athletes, 2 Instructors, 40 Bells!
Kettlebell Workshop, 15 Athletes, 2 Instructors, 40 Bells!
What a perfect amount of people to teach, Ken and I had an amazing time at Brenda's Fitness doing what we do best, Living, Learning, Passing On.
Shoulder rehab workout #1 and Upper back
Shoulder rehab workout #1 and Upper back
Back day is a lot harder when you keep it tight
Quick Picks for the Week 4/17/16
Quick Picks for the Week 4/17/16
All the strength in one place.
Sunday sq/dl
Sunday sq/dl
Training felt fine, but my stomach wasn't feeling it all morning. I ended the training session with a nice puke in the creek behind the gym.
Friday Night Squatzzzzz !
Friday Night Squatzzzzz !
When our son comes home and challenges Mom to squat, I guess I gotta take the challenge.
Block 3, Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday
Block 3, Wave 4 - Strongman Saturday
Sometimes nature is a female dog and a plan doesn't come together
Rebuilding: Squat
Rebuilding: Squat
While it's only an addition of one rep close, this is BIG progress for me.
Vacation and Career Gains
Vacation and Career Gains
Coming back from vacation, a promotion, and getting ready to SMASH. FUCKING. WEIGHT.
THURSDAY and Athlete Goals
THURSDAY and Athlete Goals
Goal for now: continue lifting light and coaching my team. Check out my elitefts coaching log.
Rebuilding: Path To Success
Rebuilding: Path To Success
Each belt has a story to tell. Each belt reflects on a different time in my strength career, different strength levels, different body weights, goals, successes, failures and frustrations.
Sled work.
Sled work.
Keep it simple and basic.
MRI Results (my soaked purple gown..) / Hip Injury Update
MRI Results (my soaked purple gown..) / Hip Injury Update
The squat issues I've been having are starting to make sense..
Week in Review - Week 4 of Offseason Training
Week in Review - Week 4 of Offseason Training
4/11 - Squats Warmup: Hard foam roll - IT band, psoas, low back, t-spine McGill Big 3 PRI Breathing Drills 5 part hip series Lying Leg Curls 3 sets of 8 reps - 3 second hold at the top of each rep, 3 second negative Duffalo Bar Squats (beltless/sleeves) Warmups: 1 plate per side x […]
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Wide Grip, Back Work (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Speed Bench, Wide Grip, Back Work (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 6, Day 4 - 4.21.16
Block 3, Wave 4 - BP/DL Deload
Block 3, Wave 4 - BP/DL Deload
These aren't the droids you're looking for

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