Beltless Deadlifts Wk3: 505x3 / 760lb Super Yoke Walk/Trash Talking Session (Video)
Beltless Deadlifts Wk3: 505x3 / 760lb Super Yoke Walk/Trash Talking Sess...
This was the most fun I've had training in a while.
W2 Training [Days 1-4]
W2 Training [Days 1-4]
Last Weeks Training Tonight!
CTP Cycle 4 Day 3
CTP Cycle 4 Day 3
Workin' on my fitness
Move and stretch.
Move and stretch.
Work hard everyday to become better.
ME Lower Quickie & DE Upper
ME Lower Quickie & DE Upper
Good mornings are going up and so is my shit house conditioning!
Sunday sq/dl, Monday assistance
Sunday sq/dl, Monday assistance
Felt iffy today on squats, but deads moved well.
Friday lower rehab, upper bodybuilding
Friday lower rehab, upper bodybuilding
Getting better with my rehab techniques, and the pump comes naturally of course.
Quick Picks for the Week 4/10/16
Quick Picks for the Week 4/10/16
A good dose of education.
CTP Cycle 4 day 2
CTP Cycle 4 day 2
building a bigger back
Deadlifts Or Deathlifts, Still To Be Determined!
Deadlifts Or Deathlifts, Still To Be Determined!
Total leg anialation today, feeling better with my training and confidence is growing, 9 weeks until the RPS meet, it's time to crank it!
8 Weeks Out - Events - Fingal Fingers, Conan's & Atlas Stones w/VIDEO
8 Weeks Out - Events - Fingal Fingers, Conan's & Atlas Stones w...
I quickly found out this pipe is freaking heavy.
9 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Front Squats & Back Squats w/VIDEO
9 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Front Squats & Back Squats w/VIDEO
The is the heaviest I've gone on deadlifts in a while.
Block 3, Wave 3 - Assistance II
Block 3, Wave 3 - Assistance II
Despite everything feeling pretty not bad today, I am still looking forward to next week's deload
Max Effort Squats
Max Effort Squats
Next squat session will be a full gear squat, so hopefully the box work will transfer over, even if it's not optimal technique.
Cheesecake Cookies
Cheesecake Cookies
Amazing, simple, guilt-free recipe!
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Training on vacation in Mesa, AZ!
Building Bigger Quads, One Rep At A Time!
Building Bigger Quads, One Rep At A Time!
No leg raise machine, no problem, see how I make my reverse hyper work for me, amazing pump!
Almost There
Almost There
2 weeks out I basically just go on auto-pilot.

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