Friday Funday Fired Up Metabolism!
Friday Funday Fired Up Metabolism!
Not just the Kettlebells were burning but our metabolism was on Fire, how did you start your day?
Lower assistance.
Lower assistance.
Belief is what I hold onto.
Thursday squats and deads
Thursday squats and deads
First time squatting in awhile (everything has been front squats).
Week 5 - Shirted Benching
Week 5 - Shirted Benching
Touching the chest for the first time in the shirt
Lower Training
Lower Training
Lower Training but still no deadlifting
Today our Powerlifting squad hit some upper body movements.  All were done at 10x6.  From what I hear it is the next best thing next to sliced bread.  Great to see all following the plan and getting better as a team. I started throwing in some exercises here and there daily.  Today I hit some […]
Leg Volume
Leg Volume
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 5, Mini Session 2 - 4.13.16
Block 3, Wave 3 - DL
Block 3, Wave 3 - DL
Zercher stepups are a special kind of awesome
9 Weeks Out - Rows, Chins, RDLs & Shrugs
9 Weeks Out - Rows, Chins, RDLs & Shrugs
Just another day in the flip flops.
9 Weeks Out - Events - Conan's Wheel (VIDEO) & Stones
9 Weeks Out - Events - Conan's Wheel (VIDEO) & Stones
I ended the day with 3 orders of Sushi, Rainbow Rolls, to finish out my 715g of carbs for the day.
10 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Axle Floor Press, Incline DBs & More
10 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Axle Floor Press, Incline DBs &...
Even on most crappy days you can suck it up and put in the work.
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls and Snatch Grip Block Pulls (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls and Snatch Grip Block Pulls (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 3 - 4.12.16
Tuesday bench
Tuesday bench
First time back on the bench in awhile- as a change up from floor presses.
CTP Cycle 4 day 1
CTP Cycle 4 day 1
The exercise's were less, but the pain was more, let the bodies hit the floor!
Back to the Grind
Back to the Grind
That grind is my shoulders.
Today our powerlifitng squad hit a tough lower body based session.  Deadlifts, rack pulls, and a knarley superset at the end was on the menu.  Great to see the team all working hard together towards their next meet.  We are shooting on sending half the team to a meet in July and the other half […]
Off Season Training Part 2....
Off Season Training Part 2....
My legs are fried on Mondays....
Tuesday March 29, 2016
Tuesday March 29, 2016
Lower accessory
Bench Wk 2: 3x5 / Supersetting Chins and Med Ball Throws with Warm-Up Sets (Video)
Bench Wk 2: 3x5 / Supersetting Chins and Med Ball Throws with Warm-Up Se...
It's been amazing how much more I get out of my assistance work when I'm not gasping for breath in between a set of dumbbell rows..

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