Bench Wk 2: 3x5 / Supersetting Chins and Med Ball Throws with Warm-Up Se...
It's been amazing how much more I get out of my assistance work when I'm not gasping for breath in between a set of dumbbell rows..
CTP Cycle 4; Check out the new madness
Out with the old in with the new. Get ready for the new phases of CTP!!!
Block 3, Wave 3 - BP
I like to hang upside down blindfolded and take my gun apart and put it back together real fast before my nose starts to bleed
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Events
I know, I know. Part 3 has taken was longer than I anticipated. Since you all have been waiting patiently, here's the happy ending to date....I am officially down 35 pounds.
ME Upper: Bench Opener, Possible Second, & Bench vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 2 - 4.10.16
Kettlebell Competition Results With P.R.'s & Video's
Another Agatsu competition in the books, a whole lotta fun, P.R.'s and a one armed bandit.
Max Upper, Huge Gains Post Shoulder Surgery!
Building confidence and getting my shoulders and back tight are key, 135 Lb bench tonight, super happy with that 5 1/2 months post shoulder surgery.
Beltless Squats, Good Mornings Wk 2 / Conditioning Circuit: DL, Rower, L...
The circuit at the end kicked my ass.
Today our powerlifitng squad hit all 10x6 with short rest consisting of, BB incline, DB low rows, dips/push-ups/plate curls. Really am trying to stress to stay within the plan and bust your butt on what we have prescribed. Quick story=my freshman year of football in college we hit a 2hr workout, 1hr lift, 1hr run. […]
Today our squad worked on high bar squats with an opposite stance they normally use/test with. This program is easy to follow but brutal. High reps with little rest. Our superset after the main lifts consisted of Cossack squats with weight/sled push/plate twists. Good times! I did very little last couple days more of an […]
Today our powerlifitng crew hit heavy DB decline, heavy rope face pulls, and a superset of curl machine/tricep kick backs/band pull aparts. All were 10x8 with little rest between sets. I am submitting an articl on the direction I want our powerlifitng team to go. Learned a lot this last year on how/what won't work. […]