ME Floor Press and Super Pumps
ME Floor Press and Super Pumps
Had an awesome training session. The pump...was real.
Sunday March 27 , 2016
Sunday March 27 , 2016
Quick Upper Session
Off Season Training....
This way of training for me continues to pay off....
Thursday March 24, 2016
Thursday March 24, 2016
upper accessory
Tuesday March 22, 2016
Tuesday March 22, 2016
lower accessory work
That meme says it all
That meme says it all
Shannon just found out today..
Squat day with video
Squat day with video
I forgot that box squats arent bad.
DE Lower/Conditioning...If He Dies, He Dies
DE Lower/Conditioning...If He Dies, He Dies
So I'm sure you've seen the meme circulating with Ivan Drago saying, "If he dies, he dies." Well that's the vibe I had when going into training on Saturday. Matt wants my conditioning to improve because frankly, it's dog shit. We found that out when running circa max going into XPC Finals. The plan the […]
ME Lower: Back in the Wraps with 500 (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: Back in the Wraps with 500 (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 1 - 4.9.16
Pin one Max!
Pin one Max!
Step up and strain.
Sunday squats/deads
Sunday squats/deads
Slowly upping the intensity with moderate volume.
Lower Training - Buffalo Bar vs. Chains w/ Video
Lower Training - Buffalo Bar vs. Chains w/ Video
Heavy Squat day vs. chains - last heavy day before Iron Addicts w/ video
DE Upper...You're Too Slow!
DE Upper...You're Too Slow!
It's awesome having teammates that go out of their way to shoot you advice.
CTP Cycle 3 day 5
CTP Cycle 3 day 5
Nose Tork does a body good
CTP Cycle 3 day 4
CTP Cycle 3 day 4
Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete. Was solo again today which is a very crappy thing for me. I always train better with someone struggling along side of me, it gives me an opportunity to coach […]
CTP Cycle 3 day 3
CTP Cycle 3 day 3
Disclaimer: EliteFTS Team member David Allen writes all of my programming, The exercises listed in these posts' are designed for me based on my needs as an athlete. So what is one to do running solo on a pretty difficult hypertrophy program? That is correct, talk shit to roughly all the other 18ish members of your facilities […]

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