Hungry for more [W1:D4]
Hungry for more [W1:D4]
500lbs deadlift has continued to evade me-- this is the year, I'm hungry for it.
Its  a quick one!
Its a quick one!
Better than nothing.
Primary Legs
Primary Legs
Drop sets, isoholds, heavy weights and some short rest breaks in this workout!
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
A Light at the End of the Tunnel
When meet prep and life happens, all at once.
Shirted board press
Shirted board press
The weight moved ok, but I would have liked for it to have been a bit more solid technique-wise.
New Training Cycle [W1: D2,D3]
New Training Cycle [W1: D2,D3]
Things are heavy, and powerlifting is hard. Trust the process.
Friday- catch up day
Friday- catch up day
The goal was lower rehab and upper bodybuilding. A pump was in the cards.
Back & Biceps
Back & Biceps
Exercise variations and plenty of supersets today!
Upper Training - Heavy Bench Day
Upper Training - Heavy Bench Day
Upper Training - Heavy Bench Day
DE Upper: Cambered Bar Speed Bench, Wide Grip PR, Back Attack (w/VIDEO)
DE Upper: Cambered Bar Speed Bench, Wide Grip PR, Back Attack (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 4 - 4.7.16
Block 3, Wave 3 - Assistance I
Block 3, Wave 3 - Assistance I
Despite increased stress and increased frustration today, I seem to be making progress with my training
Bench max!
Bench max!
Happy Dance!
Leg Pump: Crazy Blood Flow
Leg Pump: Crazy Blood Flow
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Mini Session 2 - 4.6.16
Pick a Few Things That Work and Give Them 100% / First Week of Beltless Deadlifts & Front Squats (Video)
Pick a Few Things That Work and Give Them 100% / First Week of Beltless ...
Reading through Jim Wendler's training philosophy always tends to help me refocus my own.
Thursday squats/deads
Thursday squats/deads
Squats, cardio deads, and assistance work to be done tomorrow as active recovery.
Buffalo Bar Squats: Single Ply
Buffalo Bar Squats: Single Ply
Last fuckarounds squat sesh before meet prep
Max Effort Deadlift - Operation DLS in Effect!
Max Effort Deadlift - Operation DLS in Effect!
Best deadlift session in a LONG time.
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Primary Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Some unique exercise variations, supersets and a massive pump tonight!

Items 9061 to 9080 of 13402 total