Shoulder rehab: Workout #1
Shoulder rehab: Workout #1
6 weeks on day at a time
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Press/Bench
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Press/Bench
Toss in a little event training on Friday and it's time to step back, rest and come back ready to kill it.
Week 4 - Shirted Bench Training
Week 4 - Shirted Bench Training
Shirt bench Barx10 95x10 120x8 135x5 160x3 180x1 190x1 PUT SHIRT ON 225x3 (2 board) 240x3 (1 board) 255X2 (1 board) 265x1 (1 board) - Missed rep 265x1 (2 board) I'm finding it almost impossible to do any accessory work after training in the shirt, It just drains me.
Lower Training & the bus stop
Lower Training & the bus stop
Lower training and the bus stop
I almost forgot to post
I almost forgot to post
About Odin's Birthday!!
DE Lower: Cambered Bar Speed Squats, Pause Squat Cardio, Heavy Deads vs Chains (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Cambered Bar Speed Squats, Pause Squat Cardio, Heavy Deads vs ...
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 3 - 4.5.16
More Deficit Pulls
More Deficit Pulls
"Man Steve is really mean to you" - after I tell anyone about my deadlift programming
ME Lower & Meet Plans
ME Lower & Meet Plans
Looks like I'll be competing sooner than I expected. Bring it.
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Squat
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Squat
I took yesterday to refocus on getting things just right so I back tracked and did more work with the SquatGuide.
Foam roll/ recovery
Foam roll/ recovery
Keep on keeping on.
Monday DL
Monday DL
Deadlifting at The Spot with THE JL Holdsworth.
Floor press and extra lower rehab day
Raw bench
Raw bench
The first couple of weeks were pretty easy, and I expected this week to be a little harder, since my raw bench is so low right now. Fortunately, I was wrong, and this week was the easiest.
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, DL
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, DL
"Stop being a sissy. Get in there and LIFT."
Atlanta/Augusta trip
Atlanta/Augusta trip
Yessie competed and I seminar-ed, well we seminar-ed.
Rebuilding: 8 Weeks Out, Event Day
Rebuilding: 8 Weeks Out, Event Day
Events didn't wipe me out, my recovery was good and was able to get through all of that in 1 1/2 hours.
Got 2 Bells And 30 Mins ?
Got 2 Bells And 30 Mins ?
Give me 30 mins of your time to kick your ass, trust me when I say metabolic conditioning, there is nothing better than kettlebells, oh and a P.R. for me tonight.
Upper Extra Work Making Up For Meet Weekend
Upper Extra Work Making Up For Meet Weekend
APF Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Mini Session 1 - 4.4.16
Today our powerlifting squad hit rack pulls, deficit deads, then a superset of walking lunges/DB single leg RDL's.  All were done at 10x8 with a short 1 min rest between. Feeling better today.  Start a hockey organization this eve at a 515-615pm time slot.  The team is an elite hockey high school team that has […]
Today our powerlifting squad started their next 3 week program.  Again it will be easy to follow and quick with short rest times.  Again this first week we are hitting 10x8 with 1min rest on all movements.  I am keeping it simple and calling these next three weeks the Basic Bitch part 2. As far […]

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