Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Press/Bench
Toss in a little event training on Friday and it's time to step back, rest and come back ready to kill it.
Week 4 - Shirted Bench Training
Shirt bench Barx10 95x10 120x8 135x5 160x3 180x1 190x1 PUT SHIRT ON 225x3 (2 board) 240x3 (1 board) 255X2 (1 board) 265x1 (1 board) - Missed rep 265x1 (2 board) I'm finding it almost impossible to do any accessory work after training in the shirt, It just drains me.
DE Lower: Cambered Bar Speed Squats, Pause Squat Cardio, Heavy Deads vs ...
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 3 - 4.5.16
More Deficit Pulls
"Man Steve is really mean to you" - after I tell anyone about my deadlift programming
Rebuilding: 7 Weeks Out, Squat
I took yesterday to refocus on getting things just right so I back tracked and did more work with the SquatGuide.
Raw bench
The first couple of weeks were pretty easy, and I expected this week to be a little harder, since my raw bench is so low right now. Fortunately, I was wrong, and this week was the easiest.
Rebuilding: 8 Weeks Out, Event Day
Events didn't wipe me out, my recovery was good and was able to get through all of that in 1 1/2 hours.
Got 2 Bells And 30 Mins ?
Give me 30 mins of your time to kick your ass, trust me when I say metabolic conditioning, there is nothing better than kettlebells, oh and a P.R. for me tonight.
Upper Extra Work Making Up For Meet Weekend
APF Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Mini Session 1 - 4.4.16
Today our powerlifting squad hit rack pulls, deficit deads, then a superset of walking lunges/DB single leg RDL's. All were done at 10x8 with a short 1 min rest between. Feeling better today. Start a hockey organization this eve at a 515-615pm time slot. The team is an elite hockey high school team that has […]
Today our powerlifting squad started their next 3 week program. Again it will be easy to follow and quick with short rest times. Again this first week we are hitting 10x8 with 1min rest on all movements. I am keeping it simple and calling these next three weeks the Basic Bitch part 2. As far […]