Week 3, Days 1 and 2 - Low Bar Epiphany and Press Pondering
4/4 - Squat Warmup: Hard foam roll McGill's Big 3 PRI Breathing Drills 5 part static hip stretch series Lying Leg Curls 6 sets 10 reps - following the trend of a 1 second hold at the top, 2-3 second negative Duffalo Bar Squats 8 sets of 6 reps with 425, short rest periods Notes: […]
Week 2, Day 5 - Super Set Frenzy
Catching up on last Friday's bro down session... 4/1 - Chest and Arm Accessory Giant Set: Dumbbell Twist Press (also called Key Presses) 4 sets 10 reps, ending with the 95's superset w/ Cable Crossovers (downward angle) 4 sets 15-20 superset w/ Swiss Bar Strip the Rack Bench Presses 4 sets 10 reps This giant […]
Lower assitance
Kept it light. Lots of reps and contraction focus. Had a lot of fluid of my left knee for no apparent reason. No pain just instability. No better time to be light and fluffy. Leg press 4x20 Single leg lunge 4x10 Stiff deads 4x15 Seated leg curl 4x15 Leg extensions 100 continuous 10min bike/ 4x50 […]
TPS Malden, Where Everybody Knows Your Name [W1:D1]
New Training Cycle, and hanging with MF Swede and Brandon Lilly
CTP Training Cycle 3 Day 2
Down a training partner, so what is one to do? GET ALL THE BICEP GAINZ!!!
10 Weeks Out - Front Squats & Deadlifts (VIDEOS), Lunges and GHRs
The weights didn't necessarily feel light, but I felt strong and fast on each rep.
All in My Feels and a Saturday Night Pump
Or maybe I just make excuses until I'm actually forced to wake up and stop pissing around.
Double Kettlebell Metabolic Madness (w/videos)
Crazy double night, team training and Ken's platform debut for the upcoming relay event, 5 days out!
First Week of The Training Rebuild Continues.. / Bench Press 3x8 w/ 7 RP...
Excited about the direction moving forward.