10 Weeks Out - Hypertrophy Day - Rows, Heavy Shrugs (VIDEO), Chins &...
Still rocking the flip flops.
11 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press (VIDEO), Incline Axle & More
I felt like crap today. Mentally I just wasn't in it.
Shirt benching
I'd rather have a little less support, but be better able to use my technique to execute the lift.
Last couple of weeks, my Dad and some stories....
Tough love is what my Dad gave me and I would not want it any other way....
DE Upper: Lots of Benching - Fast, Wide, and on the Floor (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 4 - 3.31.16
At first thought I was tucking tail, but perspective has me walking off with my head held high
Huge Deathlift PR: 860lbs Single Ply with Video
Tips from Coan and Goggins led me to a 38lbs deathlift PR
11 Weeks Out, RPS Nationals, Bench & Upper!
Training cycle has commenced, 11 weeks out, 1st meet since shoulder recovery, I need to train hard and smart!
Today our powerlifitng squad hit squats (opposite stance than they normally use), goodmornings, heavy step ups/heavy ab superset. All was done 10x4 with minute rest. Everyone got better these last three weeks on the "Basic Bitch workout". We rotate movements starting Monday for the next three weeks. Want to bring a crew to the iron […]
Today our powerlifting squat hit some BB DECLINE, REV-grip pull ups, then a fun superset of hammer curls and tricep pressdowns. Everyone is setting gym PR's which is crazy as we have just begun our off season and are simply trying to build some muscle and get back in shape. As far as for my […]