Block 3, Wave 2 - DL
Block 3, Wave 2 - DL
Being tired, stressed, hungry, and angry is no reason not to be as awesome as possible
20min cardio intervals.
20min cardio intervals.
Train to perform.
USPA Georgia Open/I3 Power Clinic
USPA Georgia Open/I3 Power Clinic
Weekend itinerary and a travel tip.
Why settle for a blowjob?
Why settle for a blowjob?
Depending on how we deal with situations is when we learn most about ourselves.
Thursday squats and deads
Thursday squats and deads
Some good some bad. It's hard to tell/feel if I'm getting better right now. I'm just trying to trust the process.
It's back!!
It's back!!
Paul V and I are coming Back!
Trying to get used to the shirt
Trying to get used to the shirt
I'm doing my best to learn this shirt.
Extra Leg Pump
Extra Leg Pump
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Mini Session 2 - 3.30.16
Brett Burton Deadlifting March 30th 2016
Brett Burton Deadlifting March 30th 2016
We have made a slight change to Brett's deadlift
Lower Training and my MRI results
Lower Training and my MRI results
Lower training and MRI results
The Secret to Painless Dieting...
The Secret to Painless Dieting...
Painless Dieting...Remove the emotion from eating
Team Barnyard Barbell
Team Barnyard Barbell
It's witty. Because we train in a barnyard.
Light Deload Bench
Light Deload Bench
Benching in a great environment
My Dad is in Heaven now....
My hero is gone but never forgotten....
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, and Busting Out the New Chucks (w/VIDEO)
DE Lower: Speed Squats/Pulls, and Busting Out the New Chucks (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Day 3 - 3.29.16
CTP Training Cycle 2 Day 5
CTP Training Cycle 2 Day 5
Having a large hate relationship with occlusion sets, minus the love...
Saturday March 19, 2016
Saturday March 19, 2016
the weight is starting to come on...
Thursday March 17, 2016
Thursday March 17, 2016
bench is starting to feel a bit like cardio

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