Lower Heavy Day - getting better
Lower Heavy Day - getting better
Still doing belt squats, but the SI is getting better
Upper Accessory Day - Back work
Upper Accessory Day - Back work
Upper Movements for accessory day
Week 2 Day 3 - Supplemental Training and Rehab....
Week 2 Day 3 - Supplemental Training and Rehab....
“You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.” ~Shannon L. Adler
I Refuse to Do Event Deloads
I Refuse to Do Event Deloads
Always have and always will
Upper Heavy Day - Benching Again
Upper Heavy Day - Benching Again
Upper Accessory day - attempted to bench again
Dimmel deads and unilateral upper work
Dimmel deads and unilateral upper work
getting results and ramping up
Week 4 - Squat Deload
Week 4 - Squat Deload
Might have needed the deload, might not have.
Finishing Up D'ing My L
Finishing Up D'ing My L
More barefoot training to make my deload feel like a tropical vacation in my garage
Hypertrophy Wk 1 Day 3: and More Back
Hypertrophy Wk 1 Day 3: and More Back
OK, NOW IT HIT, im so sore
Week 2 Day 2 - Gearwhoreless Pulls with VIDEO....
Week 2 Day 2 - Gearwhoreless Pulls with VIDEO....
I freaking hate deadlifting....
Squats (technique)
Squats (technique)
The start of any lift will determine how you execute it.
Finally Dropping My Load
Finally Dropping My Load
I trained barefoot today to channel my inner Selkow
Event Training @ Brute Strength Gym
Event Training @ Brute Strength Gym
Awesome, but humbling training for my upcoming comp
Hypertrophy Wk 1 Day 2: Chest & Shoulders
Hypertrophy Wk 1 Day 2: Chest & Shoulders
Expecting the soreness to hit ... wait for it
Tuesday Thursday Sessions
Tuesday Thursday Sessions
7/30/19 Squat 795+160 in chain felt heavy but good Squat 705 2x2 Some modicum of accessory work View this post on Instagram A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Jul 30, 2019 at 6:53pm PDT 8/1/19 Deadlift 675x1 705 2x1 665 2x3 Block Pull 745x2 785x2 Pin Press 455x3 465x3 475x3 485x3 495x3   […]
American Bar = Kryptonite
American Bar = Kryptonite
Lower Accessory Day - a little more weight
Lower Accessory Day - a little more weight
Lower Accessory Day - things are feeling better
Conjugate-Building? Legs!
Conjugate-Building? Legs!
Off Season Conjugate-Building; Week 1, Day 1 - 7.26.19
Final Arm Bodybuilding Day
Final Arm Bodybuilding Day
Off Season Hypertrophy; Week 12, Day 5 - 7.25This.19

Items 901 to 920 of 13402 total