Kettlebell Competition Training, 2 Weeks Out!
Less than two weeks and the Outlaws will take the platforms at the Agatsu Kettlebell Competition, special relay team this time, exciting!
Tuesday floor press
If I could squat my bench right now (maybe I could but I won't just yet) I'd be happy.
Rebuilding: 8 Weeks To Go. Self Analysis
Saturday I made an executive decision to hold off event training for one more week to give myself some more recovery time. OK, so recovery was one reason. And, let's just say that Piggie Gurl had a rough day.
Single ply safety bar squats and Freya walking
Doubles up to 655lbs no straps. Walk out is feeling better already
The RAW Dog Diaries Continue - 3x3 Squats
My joints and nervous system are slowly adapting to this raw squatting business. Excited to see how things are once some weight is put on the bar.
SSYoke Squats against bands and deficit pulls
How much caffeine does it take to wake you up for deadlifts?
Week 1 Day 5 - Bro Fest Friday's
Coach Mike added in a 5th day to my offseason program to hit some extra upper body volume. If I'm going to be going to the 242's, I definitely need to put some mass on. These workouts are generally pretty light and all about chasing the pump and feeling huge at the end of it. […]
Extra Upper Body Training
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 3, Mini Session 1 - 3.28.16
Our Powerlifting Crew is finishing up our "BASIC BITCH" workout this week. It was a very basic but effective 3 week program. Today they hit all 10x4 with 1min rest, DB BENCH, PULLDOWNS, BB CURLS/push ups super set. I am still waiting on what day this week I will have the procedure. My plan after […]
Saturday March 12, 2016
1. Warm Up Hip Rotations, Rolling, Indian Club swings 2. Reverse Band Squats - Average Bands - Zero tension at the top - Wore Metal Ace briefs Worked up to 645 for three sets of one rep 3. Pulls Against Bands 225 against quaded mini bands for 8 singles 4. GHR Four sets to failure […]