The Cambered Bar Returns With Vengeance
Some shoulder issues are effecting my Close Grip Benching. However, a lot of the time as an athlete and as a competitor the name of the game is how to adapt and overcome!
Today our powerlifters hit some front squats, good morn, and a fun superset at the end. The theme is simple but effective to pack on some muscle and get back in shape. A lot of sets with a great rep range and short rest between sets. Pas far as for myself..........had my cardio echo and […]
Single ply squats walkout out up to 850lbs
This was a great starting point! Makes me feel like 1000 is very doable
13 Weeks Out - Front Squats & 18 inch Deadlifts (VIDEO)
I'm feeling good with where my strength is right now.
Post-Meet Bodybuilding Training Week 1 / Part II
All 3 days of my current split (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, Legs, Back/Biceps) listed out for the week!
Last "2nd Pressing Day" Before Peaking Cycle
Finishing out my last "second pressing day" of my mesocycle before I go into my meet peaking cycle.
Today our powerlifting squad hit three movements for 10x8 with 1 min rest strict. The third movement is a superset to compliment the first two movements. I really like this as a switch up from the last prior weeks. It is tough as hell but if you stick with the rest allowed you are in […]
We started our 6 week off-season program today. The lifters who competed at the Arnold Classic all hit it today. I love the way this 6 weeks is set up. Great time to pack on some muscle and stay strong. The lifters who did the in-house meet are hitting it with us week two next […]
Block 3, Wave 1 - DL
Suited tugs with accommodating resistance is what I imagine it feels like to ride the Vomit Comet
CTP Training (Bodybuilding / Death to this powerlifter) Cycle1 Day2
Christian is an elite raw powerlifter and Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist. He has a degree Exercise Science and trains clients and athletes at NBS Fitness in Memphis, Tennessee.
Bench And A Small Miracle !
Tonight, 4 months and 10 days post shoulder surgery I was able to straighten my arm completely up, Progress Baby !
Kettlebell Competition Training, 5 Weeks Out (W/Video's)
Amazing training, team members helping team members, learning, inspiring and encouraging each other, and a special guest appearance.
Second SS Yoke Bar Session This Week!
ANOTHER ONE. More SS Yoke squats. Being so far from a meet, this frequency is both going to kick hypertrophy into gear, but also simply drill the proper movement patterns and cues to drive my head back into my brain. When I move back to a normal bar, the benefit is going to be immense!