Second SS Yoke Bar Session This Week!
ANOTHER ONE. More SS Yoke squats. Being so far from a meet, this frequency is both going to kick hypertrophy into gear, but also simply drill the proper movement patterns and cues to drive my head back into my brain. When I move back to a normal bar, the benefit is going to be immense!
New Log Coming Soon!
Tarra Oravec is an elite competitive powerlifter and has a top 10 all-time raw total with 1200 pounds in the 181-pound weight class. Her best meet lifts are a 435-pound squat, 280-pound bench, and a 500-pound deadlift. She is one of the newest members of team elitefts and trains under the 5thSet methodology.
Team Nebobarbell - Dillon Ledford - 2016 IPA Press Fitness Tennessee Sta...
1st Powerlifting Meet, 9 for 9 on attempts and had fun. That's how its suppose to be....
ME Lower: Reverse Band SSB Squats, and MORE Meet Prep (w/VIDEO)
APF Illinois State/Equipped Nationals Meet Prep; Wk 1, Day 1 - 3.12.16
Training The Trainers At The ETS Kettlebell Hands On Workshop!
When Elite Training Systems Owner and Anaheim Ducks Head Strength Coach Mark Fitzgerald asks you to train their trainers, we say Hell Yeah !
XPC Finals Video / Good and Bad of Meet Training Cycle & New Plan Mo...
Some new training ideas, which will include utilizing 5/3/1 over the coming months.
Cambered Benching is Really Hard for a Raw PLer
Want to be humbled? Increase your bench ROM by 4 inches. Actually, increase any ROM by 4 inches (wink, wink) and you'd probably be humbled!
Chase The Pain (CTP) Training Cycle 1 Day1
See how Team EliteFTS Team member, columnist and my coach, David Allen welcomes me back to training = Death! Working on my goal to get BIGGER.
Week 1 Day 2 - Upper Body - Drop that Ego, Sir!
The weeks after a meet should be the LAST place for ego lifting. I was reminded of that today real quick.
13 Weeks Out - Rows, Chins, SLRDLs & Shrugs
... is definitely one of my favorite movements I've picked up this past year.