Dumbbell Bench Press Cardio, and a Wicked Shoulder Circuit!
I walked a fine line between endurance training and hypertrophy work today! I'm already obsessing over the date of June 26 in my mind! I can't wait to compete on the platform again!
14 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press for Reps (VIDEO), Incline DBs, Axle...
Today I really put my shoulder to the test.
No-Barbell Bodybuilding-Style Training Begins / Post-Meet Training Block...
My pecs are already sore.
Deload Training [Transition Block]
Taking a Mental Break-- 2 more weeks till the New Training Cycle begins!
Kettlebell Competition, Join The Fun May 28th !
Ever wanted to try a Kettlebell competition but were afraid of the 10 min sets? Here is your chance to give it a try for a 5 min set. Join the fun, this event will be epic!
Deadlifts Against Chains at THE ELITEFTS S4 COMPOUND
Talking about puke and pulling some heavy weights! 570lbs at lockout, on a deficit, and beltless has got me feeling QUEASY! The S4 compound was the PERFECT place for this workout!
2016 XPC Finals Meet Write Up w/ VIDEO
How I let the 2000lb total slip away at the XPC Finals...but hey, I did get a squat PR.
Kettlebell Sport Training, 5 Weeks Out To Agatsu! (w/video's)
Double compounds, sport training, metabolic conditioning, all rolled into one sweaty session!
I like to post more often, but sometimes I just can't get to it as much as I'd like. Looking at a full week of training can be useful regardless.
Floor Press Against Bands and Other Things I Suck At
225 and band resistance of around 200lbs on floor press, and me trying to be jacked or something. Come read about it!