14 Weeks Out - Deadlifts (VIDEO), 18 in. Deads, Front Squats & GHRs
Today was a great day in the gym.
Back, Hamstrings, Traps - My thoughts on hypertrophy work and shoulder u...
On my back work I really have been focusing on...
XPC Powerlifitng championships at the Arnold. This meet was (at least day 1) very strict on the squats. I saw no gifts and no shit it was usapl depth. A few of our lifters squats got reds and I was in shock but you have to trust the judges. Saying that everything else was on […]
Beltless Front Squats, Crying at the Gym, and A Sponsorship
Joe Sullivan is a new member of team elitefts added just this February. He has a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from John Carroll University and competes raw (no wraps) with a personal best 1725-pound total in the 198-pound weight class. His first meet as an elitefts athlete will be the Chicago Fit Expo June 26.
Trying to get caught up from being sick - Week 7 Day 4 - Squat Training....
Im sick and tired of being sick and tired....
As if training is not hard enough, doing it in a calorie deficit really sucks. I long for the days of pre-workout boxes of Ring Dings.
Arnold Selfies, COC 2.5 Check In & Squat
The past few days have been so fun on social media seeing all the great things happening at the Arnold. Not to mention all the great selfies and photobombs with Arnold that have been posted by and including many different strength athletes.
Sweat'n pump'n gain'n BB Biceps night
I'm going to be able to get my arms into an R rated movie at this rate!
14 Weeks Out - Events: Yoke, Farmers/Keg Medley & Stones
I had fun, things felt good and I like where I'm at sitting 14 weeks out.