DE Lower: Speed Squats and Heaviest Deadlift of Prep (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 7, Day 3 - 2.9.16
Hands Up, Baby Hands Up!
13 Weeks post shoulder surgery and my ROM is finally getting there, so happy with my progress, recovery and strength so far, Kettlebells rock for physiotherapy !
"Prediction? ..Pain" / Rep Day on Squat (Video) & Last Wee...
SSB Box Squats: 4x5 w/ 380lbs and 1x6 w/ 420lbs - 4 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
Today our lifters hit heavy deads up to a PR triple. Kyle and Andrew willed it both with big PR's. Both should have big days in March. After that the group hit around 60% of their projected third attempt on squats just to stay fresh. Belt walks and some accessory movements were done after. We […]
Kettlebell Sport Training, 9 weeks out!
Training for a 10 minute set of Kettlebell sport is gruelling, this is how the "Outlaws" cope !
Primary Leg Workout
The extended set hack squats nearly killed me...but alas you get to do three sets of them!