Closerr, Closerrr.. / Week 2 of Breaking in the New Bench Shirt (Video)
Closerr, Closerrr.. / Week 2 of Breaking in the New Bench Shirt (Video)
Joe Schillero has a Master's Degree in Exercise Physiology and is currently the fitness director at Ohio University. A weekend-regular at the S4 Compound, Joe is currently preparing for the XPC Finals March 4.
Visualization Exercises, Recovery & Digging in for these Final 4 Weeks / Circa Max Wk 2 (Video)
Visualization Exercises, Recovery & Digging in for these Final 4 Wee...
Circa Max Week 2 & Speed Pulls - 4 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
The internet, one of the greatest and worst inventions of all time.
Talking with Shannon
Talking with Shannon
Sometimes it takes an incredible hot chick's point of view to change your own. 
Wave 2 - BP
Wave 2 - BP
Bench press is stupid. That is all.
Board presses. Video.
Board presses. Video.
Boards are For the birds
Saturday - back lifting
Saturday - back lifting
Lifting weights and all the curls!
Back & Biceps
Back & Biceps
Perhaps a newly invented back exercise aided in an awesome back and biceps training session!
Chest, Shoulder & Triceps
Chest, Shoulder & Triceps
Pause reps were the theme to kick off this primary workout!
Team lifts from this weekend
Team lifts from this weekend
Great work everyone!
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat Training
Week 4 / Day 1 - Squat Training
Week 4 / Day 1 - squat training....a learning experience.
Back - Rows, Pull Ups & More
Back - Rows, Pull Ups & More
Quick workout in the home gym.
Deadlifts against Chains
Deadlifts against Chains
Train with purpose, don't just go through the motions.
Today our powerlifting squad hit pin presses for upper body.  The pins were set about 1-1.5 boards off the chest.  Heavy do inlcine presses, heavy rows, dips and arms followed up.  Had a couple lifters say how strong they are getting.  Follow the plan and that will happen. Feeling better breathing better.  Using the cpap […]
Today our Powerlifting squad hit some extra work for the lower body.  Safety squat bar good mornings, glute/ham raises/sled push, and heavy abs was on the agenda.  We went pretty heavy on mon and wanted to still get some work today but not kill them.  Meet is getting close so we have to be smart […]
Holy Crap, I Think My Deadlift is Improving!!!
Holy Crap, I Think My Deadlift is Improving!!!
Big progress with this one, looking forward to the rest of the cycle!
ME Lower: UGSS - Heavy Squat Day at Elitefts! (w/VIDEO)
ME Lower: UGSS - Heavy Squat Day at Elitefts! (w/VIDEO)
Brandon Smitley is a raw powerlifter who holds the all-time world-record squat for the 132-pound weight class at 565 pounds. With a ten-times bodyweight total, Brandon is currently preparing for the XPC Raw Finals March 4.
Quick Picks for the Week 1/31/16
Quick Picks for the Week 1/31/16
Definitely a killer week of content.

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