Week 1 Day 1 - Meet Training Cycle - Gearwhore Benching with VIDEO....
Hello, my name is Joey Smith....
Weekend Training
Squats on Saturday Bench and Deadlift the following day. View this post on Instagram Your back won't hurt if you make it strong as fuck. The objective of these good mornings is to make my nipples hit my knees. Triples on squats moving swimmingly, torso position is money, good mornings, and some assisted pistol squats […]
This SessionTook 4 Hours...
Deadlift 625 2x4 665 1x4 Block Pull 675 x2 725 x2 765 2x2 Pin Press 425 3x4 Floor Press 315 2x6 And that's it! It was just big movements that took forever to warmup for and set up. Marathon sessions in the last two months of prep are customary so we just continue on and […]