Taking the New Bench Shirt for it's Virgin Voyage (Video)
Taking the New Bench Shirt for it's Virgin Voyage (Video)
M.E. Bench - 6 Weeks Out from XPC Finals
Deload before Circa Max Starts / Enough Thinking.. Just TRAIN (Video)
Deload before Circa Max Starts / Enough Thinking.. Just TRAIN (Video)
D.E. Deload - 8x2 Box Squats w/ 415+bands - 6 Weeks Out from XPC Finals.
Bench day
Bench day
Life is good but keeps you in your toes.
Quick abs.
Quick abs.
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Primary training day without a training partner, thankfully it worked out I didn't need a spotter.
Heavy Bench - Week 1
Heavy Bench - Week 1
Bench is coming along. Adapt. Achieve. Overcome.
Log Cleans & Bodybuilding Work
Log Cleans & Bodybuilding Work
I'm definitely not very conditioned at the moment.
Week 6 / Day 3 - Lower Accessory Deload/Reload
Week 6 / Day 3 - Lower Accessory Deload/Reload
Week 6 Lower Accessory Deload/Reload
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Lots of solid changes to the assistance day made training much more awesom(er)
cardio for the soul.
cardio for the soul.
Just do it and thank me later.
Green Light To Lift Is Exciting Yet Frightening !
Green Light To Lift Is Exciting Yet Frightening !
I was so excited to train tonight but scared as hell, I took it really easy and realized I have a long long way to go, baby steps again.
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 2 - 1.24.16
Surgeon Says Lift Away, 3 Months Post Surgery!
Surgeon Says Lift Away, 3 Months Post Surgery!
Great news today, my Dr. is pleased on my progress and how strong I am and has given me the green light to start lifting lightly !
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 5, Day 1 - 1.23.16
Shoulders/Back. Video.
Shoulders/Back. Video.
Life is not for certain and death is most always certain. How are you living your 2016?
Tuesday Floor Press
Tuesday Floor Press
I had a light bench week planned but I felt good so I worked up to a moderate weight and hit some doubles.
Dynamic Lower - Week 1
Dynamic Lower - Week 1
Access to multiple gyms has left me feeling spoiled.
Heavy Deathlifts At Golds in L.A.
Heavy Deathlifts At Golds in L.A.
Deathlifts at L.A. Fit Expo Weekend 765lbs Straps down vid
Posterior day deload
Posterior day deload
12 weeks of no squatting. That went fast.

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