Deload before Circa Max Starts / Enough Thinking.. Just TRAIN (Video)
D.E. Deload - 8x2 Box Squats w/ 415+bands - 6 Weeks Out from XPC Finals.
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Primary training day without a training partner, thankfully it worked out I didn't need a spotter.
Wave 1 - Assistance I
Lots of solid changes to the assistance day made training much more awesom(er)
Green Light To Lift Is Exciting Yet Frightening !
I was so excited to train tonight but scared as hell, I took it really easy and realized I have a long long way to go, baby steps again.
Surgeon Says Lift Away, 3 Months Post Surgery!
Great news today, my Dr. is pleased on my progress and how strong I am and has given me the green light to start lifting lightly !
Shoulders/Back. Video.
Life is not for certain and death is most always certain. How are you living your 2016?
Tuesday Floor Press
I had a light bench week planned but I felt good so I worked up to a moderate weight and hit some doubles.