Todsy our lifters hit safety squat bar full comp set up full tilt for a triple. We had a couple guys hit over 500lbs. For a safety bar squat that is good. We call the safety squat bar the "ego killer". After that they hit some zercher harness good mornings, leg curls, then heavy […]
11 Weeks Out Agatsu Kettlebell Competition Training !
Staying under the heavy bells all the time is necessary if you want to achieve big ranks!
Belt Squats, GHR's & Kettlebells, The Perfect Trio !
When you are limited with an injury you do what you can do, find the right combination for the time being and run with it.
DE Upper: Speed Floor Press, and Suicide Close Grip Benching (w/VIDEO)
XPC Finals Meet Prep; Wk 4, Day 4 - 1.21.16
Primary Leg Day
Supersets, eccentric overload and bands were the featured intensity techniques today!
Best of Both Worlds/Upper Body
10 weeks out. Dynamic upper. And my thoughts on combining strongman and powerlifting.
Pull ups in between partying.
This is me in front of my house. The snow was piled that high. That is the street sign if you didn't realize.
The World's Worst Rack Pull (And What Now?)
I worked up to 405. That't it. 405. Not because I decide to stop there, but because I couldn't budge 455 off the pins.
Beltless Conventional 415x1 w/Video--Training [W9:D3,D4]
1/23 Squat w/belt 55%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5 No additional down sets Load Reps RPE 200 5 6 225 5 6.5 255 5 7 Competition Raw Bench x1 @8 then move to 72%x5x3 (-21%). Load Reps RPE 135 1 6 155 1 6.5 175 1 7.5 185 1 8 145 5 6.5 145 […]